Hi Arunima,
You need to either prefix things with $AMBERHOME/bin .or. add the AMBER
bin directory to your path. I.e. to run tleap you would issue the command:
Alternative you can edit the file ~/.bashrc (assuming you are using the
bash shell) and add:
logout and log back in and then tleap (and the other commands in the amber
bin directory should be recognized.
All the best
On 2/24/14, 9:03 PM, "Arunima Shilpi" <writetoash28.gmail.com> wrote:
>Dear Sir
>There is problem in amber installation. I could run the command till make
>install and make test but when I try to give the tleap it says no command
>found while when i run the command as ./tleap it runs. How to debus this
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Received on Mon Feb 24 2014 - 21:30:03 PST