Re: [AMBER] using ff99SB forcefiled to a complex where ligand charge is from Glycam_04

From: FyD <>
Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2014 11:49:54 +0100

Dear Arun,

> I have a protein and a pseudo oligosaccharide complex. I used Red server
> and GLYCAM_04 forcefield to generate charges for oligosaccharide, now to
> generate topology files(prmtop and inpcrd) for complex can i use ff99SB
> forcefield?

If you use R.E.D. Server Dev./R.E.D. Python a LEaP script is generated in:
    see leaprc.ff13q4mdfft

from this leaprc.ff13q4mdfft
you can load your PDB file; see:

# Let's load the PDB file
# Web site:
# VAR = loadPdb Your-PDB-file.ent

you can load extra-FF etc...

regards, Francois

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Received on Mon Feb 24 2014 - 03:00:03 PST
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