Re: [AMBER] Total charge not zero

From: FyD <>
Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2014 14:19:17 +0100

Dear George,

> I have created the parameters of a ligand with gaff setting the total
> charge to 0 (which is the default). When I load the generated mol2 into
> tleap and I issue
> charge lig
> I get
> Total unperturbed charge: -0.003001
> Is this a rounding issue or something?

I would answer that a rounding off error at 10-3 should have the
following shape:
    0.000 +/-.00X

a rounding off error at 10-4 should have the following shape:
    0.0000 +/-.000X

   '3001' is strange - the answer is just I guess 'that is small'...

If you use R;E.D. Server or better now R.E.D. Server Dev./R.E.D.
Python there is not such an error; besides rounding off errors are
strictly corrected in agreement with chemical equivalencing & the
different charge constraints used during the charge fitting step.

  & Concerning rounding off errors:

# Correct charge value rounding off errors at an accuracy defined by the user
# 6: correction at ± 1.10-6 e
# 5: correction at ± 1.10-5 e
# 4: correction at ± 1.10-4 e
# 3: correction at ± 1.10-3 e (pay attention)
# 2: correction at ± 1.10-2 e (pay a lot of attention)
# 1: correction at ± 1.10-1 e (do not use)
# 0: no correction is performed
# The default of COR_CHR = 4

Just submit your PDB file at &
(without anything else; this is accepted by now) & compare...

regards, Francois

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Received on Wed Feb 12 2014 - 05:30:04 PST
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