[AMBER] XLeap in Cygwin - Does it work?

From: Ilyas Yildirim <i-yildirim.northwestern.edu>
Date: Sat, 8 Feb 2014 08:16:30 -0600 (CST)

I have installed AMBER ver. 11 to my laptop a year ago (I think) so that I
can prepare systems using Leap Module. Since I've updated the cygwin to
x86 version, I am seeing that xleap is having some issues.

First of all, when xleap is started and the XLEaP window is on focus
nothing can be written inside that window; the commands entered shows up
in the terminal. Focusing back the terminal and then coming back to Xleap
window corrects this problem. But now, I cannot use the shortcuts such as
the usage of ctrl key (to rotate, zoom, etc.).

I am wondering if it is me or if this is a general issue when
setup-x86.exe of cygwin is used to install CYGWIN packages. Thanks.

   Ilyas Yildirim, Ph.D.
   = Department of Chemistry - 2145 Sheridan Road =
   = Northwestern University - Evanston, IL 60208 =
   = Ryan Hall #4035 (Nano Building) - Ph.: (847)467-4986 =
   = Website : http://ilyasyildirim.wordpress.com =
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Received on Sat Feb 08 2014 - 06:30:03 PST
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