Dear Sir/Madam
I was trying to run antechamber for my molecule which is similar to a
polymer of 8-10 glucose units.
antechamber -i out_hy.pdb -fi pdb -o out_hy.mol2 -fo mol2 -c bcc
sqm.out file shows --------- Calculation Completed ---------- at the
after that its giving an error of Segmentation fault (core dumped) by
dumping a file which iam attaching here.
i guess may be it is not entering in to mopac calculations, but i dont
know how to trouble shoot and move farward.
i am using Ambertools13.
can you please tell me what is the actual problem and how to resolve it.
Thanking you.
Arun Kumar Somavarapu
Project Fellow,
Dr. Pawan Gupta Lab,
Protein Science and Engineering Dept,
Institute of Microbial Tecnology,
Sec 39-A, Chandigarh - 160036.
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Received on Mon Jan 13 2014 - 00:00:02 PST