# # Load settings # source 1CK7_settings.bcl # # Create non-standard residue library # createStdGroup NAME copyStdResidue aminoAcids94/HID NAME/HD1 copyStdResidue aminoAcids94/HID NAME/HD2 copyStdResidue aminoAcids94/HID NAME/HD3 copyStdResidue aminoAcids94/CYM NAME/CY1 copyStdResidue metals/.ZN NAME/ZN1 # # Create new atom types # # copy sulfure at the ruduced state (Cornell et al, 1995) # SH amber atom type is copied rather then S, otherwise you will get an error using gaussian in further stages. # this step is important for the assignment of the right valence and connectivity copyAtomType parm99/SH NAME/SA # periods are replaced by spaces internally setAtomType NAME/CY1/.SG. NAME/SA # # write standard library # writeLib NAME NAME.xml # # Open PDB file # readPdb NAME NAME_fixed.pdb # Assign S-S bonds assignDisulfideBonds # Atom type atomType # Assign bonds, angles, and torsions assignConnectivity # Add hydrogens addHs /NAME/ # # Build Cluster # # Create molecule named CLR createMolecule CLR # Create HD1-1 createResidue HD1 in CLR addToResidue /NAME/CLR/HD1 /NAME/1/HID-407 not bb # Create HD1-2 createResidue HD2 in CLR addToResidue /NAME/CLR/HD2 /NAME/1/HID-413 not bb # Create HD1-3 createResidue HD3 in CLR addToResidue /NAME/CLR/HD3 /NAME/1/HID-403 not bb # Create CY1-4 createResidue CY1 in CLR addToResidue /NAME/CLR/CY1 /NAME/1/CYM-102 not bb # Create ZN1-5 from createResidue ZN1 in CLR addToResidue /NAME/CLR/ZN1 /NAME/2/ZN.-1000/ZN.. # Methyl terminating groups (Add these after all other residue have been added) addFragment terminal/CH3 bd /NAME/CLR/HD1-1/.CB. ag /NAME/CLR/HD1-1/.CG. tr /NAME/CLR/HD1-1/.ND1 -57.5 addFragment terminal/CH3 bd /NAME/CLR/HD2-2/.CB. ag /NAME/CLR/HD2-2/.CG. tr /NAME/CLR/HD2-2/.ND1 153.3 addFragment terminal/CH3 bd /NAME/CLR/HD3-3/.CB. ag /NAME/CLR/HD3-3/.CG. tr /NAME/CLR/HD3-3/.ND1 117.7 addFragment terminal/CH3 bd /NAME/CLR/CY1-4/.CB. ag /NAME/CLR/CY1-4/.SG. tr /NAME/CLR/ZN1-5/ZN.. -169.4 # Create bonds with zinc1 createBond /NAME/CLR/ZN1/ZN.. /NAME/CLR/HD1/.NE2 createBond /NAME/CLR/ZN1/ZN.. /NAME/CLR/HD2/.NE2 createBond /NAME/CLR/ZN1/ZN.. /NAME/CLR/HD3/.NE2 createBond /NAME/CLR/ZN1/ZN.. /NAME/CLR/CY1/.SH. # Atomtype atomType /NAME/CLR # Assign bonds and angles assignParameters /NAME/CLR # Add Bond and Angle Parameters addBondAndAngleParameters /NAME/CLR NAME # Write parameters file writeParams NAME NAME_params.xml # Write pdb/mol files (Good idea to view one of these files # before running the Gaussian calc.) writePdb /NAME/CLR NAME_sidechain.pdb writeMol /NAME/CLR NAME_sidechain.mol writeSdf /NAME/CLR NAME_sidechain.sdf # Gaussian options levelOfTheory B3LYP basisSet 6-31G* clusterCharge CLR 0 clusterSpin 1 gaussianNProc 4 gaussianMem 2GB # Set Gaussian input name --> Optimize and get force constants gaussianOptAndFC /NAME/CLR NAME_sidechain.com # Exit MCPB quit