# Amber configuration file, created with: ./configure -mpi gnu ############################################################################### # (1) Location of the installation BASEDIR=/home/makoto/amber12 BINDIR=/home/makoto/amber12/bin LIBDIR=/home/makoto/amber12/lib INCDIR=/home/makoto/amber12/include DATDIR=/home/makoto/amber12/dat LOGDIR=/home/makoto/amber12/logs ############################################################################### # (2) If you want to search additional libraries by default, add them # to the FLIBS variable here. (External libraries can also be linked into # NAB programs simply by including them on the command line; libraries # included in FLIBS are always searched.) FLIBS= -lsff_mpi -lpbsa -lfftw3 -larpack -llapack -lblas $(BASEDIR)/lib/libnetcdf.a -lgfortran -w FLIBS_PTRAJ= -larpack -llapack -lblas -lgfortran -w FLIBSF= -larpack -llapack -lblas FLIBS_FFTW3= -lfftw3 ############################################################################### # (3) Modify any of the following if you need to change, e.g. to use gcc # rather than cc, etc. SHELL=/bin/sh INSTALLTYPE=parallel BUILDAMBER=amber # Set the C compiler, etc. # The configure script should be fine, but if you need to hand-edit, # here is some info: # Example: CC-->gcc; LEX-->flex; YACC-->yacc (built in byacc) # Note: If your lexer is "really" flex, you need to set # LEX=flex below. For example, on some distributions, # /usr/bin/lex is really just a pointer to /usr/bin/flex, # so LEX=flex is necessary. In general, gcc seems to need flex. # The compiler flags CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS should always be used. # By contrast, *OPTFLAGS and *NOOPTFLAGS will only be used with # certain files, and usually at compile-time but not link-time. # Where *OPTFLAGS and *NOOPTFLAGS are requested (in Makefiles, # makedepend and depend), they should come before CFLAGS or # CXXFLAGS; this allows the user to override *OPTFLAGS and # *NOOPTFLAGS using the BUILDFLAGS variable. # AMBERBUILDFLAGS provides a hook into all stages of the build process. # It can be used to build debug versions, invoke special features, etc. # Example: make AMBERBUILDFLAGS='-O0 -g' sander # CC=mpicc CFLAGS= -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -DBINTRAJ -DHASGZ -DHASBZ2 -DMPI $(CUSTOMBUILDFLAGS) $(AMBERBUILDFLAGS) CNOOPTFLAGS= COPTFLAGS=-O3 -mtune=native AMBERCFLAGS= $(AMBERBUILDFLAGS) CXX=g++ CPLUSPLUS=g++ CXXFLAGS= -DMPI $(CUSTOMBUILDFLAGS) $(AMBERBUILDFLAGS) CXXNOOPTFLAGS= CXXOPTFLAGS=-O3 AMBERCXXFLAGS= $(AMBERBUILDFLAGS) NABFLAGS= $(AMBERBUILDFLAGS) PBSAFLAG= $(AMBERBUILDFLAGS) LDFLAGS= $(CUSTOMBUILDFLAGS) $(AMBERBUILDFLAGS) AMBERLDFLAGS=$(AMBERBUILDFLAGS) LEX= flex YACC= $(BINDIR)/yacc AR= ar rv M4= m4 RANLIB=ranlib # Set the C-preprocessor. Code for a small preprocessor is in # ucpp-1.3; it gets installed as $(BINDIR)/ucpp; CPP=ucpp -l # These variables control whether we will use compiled versions of BLAS # and LAPACK (which are generally slower), or whether those libraries are # already available (presumably in an optimized form). LAPACK=install BLAS=install F2C=skip # These variables determine whether builtin versions of certain components # can be used, or whether we need to compile our own versions. UCPP=install C9XCOMPLEX=skip # For Windows/cygwin, set SFX to ".exe"; for Unix/Linux leave it empty: # Set OBJSFX to ".obj" instead of ".o" on Windows: SFX= OSFX=.o MV=mv RM=rm CP=cp # Information about Fortran compilation: FC=mpif90 FFLAGS= $(LOCALFLAGS) $(CUSTOMBUILDFLAGS) -I$(INCDIR) $(NETCDFINC) $(AMBERBUILDFLAGS) FNOOPTFLAGS= -O0 FOPTFLAGS= -O3 -mtune=native AMBERFFLAGS=$(AMBERBUILDFLAGS) FREEFORMAT_FLAG= -ffree-form LM=-lm FPP=cpp -traditional -P FPPFLAGS= -DBINTRAJ -DMPI $(CUSTOMBUILDFLAGS) $(AMBERBUILDFLAGS) AMBERFPPFLAGS=$(AMBERBUILDFLAGS) FCREAL8=-fdefault-real-8 XHOME= /usr XLIBS= -L/usr/lib64 -L/usr/lib MAKE_XLEAP=install_xleap NETCDF=$(BASEDIR)/include/netcdf.mod NETCDFLIB=$(BASEDIR)/lib/libnetcdf.a NETCDFINC=-I$(BASEDIR)/include FFTWLIB=-lfftw3 ZLIB=-lz BZLIB=-lbz2 HASFC=yes MTKPP= XBLAS= FFTW3=$(LIBDIR)/libfftw3.a MDGX=parallel COMPILER=gnu MKL= MKL_PROCESSOR= #CUDA Specific build flags NVCC= PMEMD_CU_INCLUDES= PMEMD_CU_LIBS= PMEMD_CU_DEFINES= #PMEMD Specific build flags PMEMD_F90=mpif90 -DMPI -DBINTRAJ -DDIRFRC_EFS -DDIRFRC_COMTRANS -DDIRFRC_NOVEC -DFFTLOADBAL_2PROC -DPUBFFT PMEMD_FOPTFLAGS=-O3 -mtune=native $(AMBERBUILDFLAGS) PMEMD_CC=mpicc PMEMD_COPTFLAGS=-O3 -mtune=native -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -DBINTRAJ -DMPI $(AMBERBUILDFLAGS) PMEMD_FLIBSF= PMEMD_LD= mpif90 $(AMBERBUILDFLAGS) LDOUT= -o #for NAB: MPI=mpi #1D-RISM RISM=no #3D-RISM NAB RISMSFF= SFF_RISM_INTERFACE= TESTRISMSFF= #3D-RISM SANDER RISMSANDER= SANDER_RISM_INTERFACE= FLIBS_RISMSANDER= TESTRISMSANDER= #PUPIL PUPILLIBS=-lrt -lm -lc -L${PUPIL_PATH}/lib -lPUPIL -lPUPILBlind #Python interpreter we are using PYTHON=/usr/bin/python2.6