Re: [AMBER] MMPBSA error

From: Ray Luo, Ph.D. <>
Date: Thu, 10 Oct 2013 14:30:35 -0700

You are probably using the fully solvated prmtop files for your mmpbsa
calculations ... Have you stripped the waters by following the all
steps in the tutorial?

Ray Luo, Ph.D.
Biochemistry, Molecular Biophysics, and
Biomedical Engineering
University of California, Irvine, CA 92697-3900
On Thu, Oct 10, 2013 at 12:36 PM, Symon Gathiaka
<> wrote:
> Dear Amber users,
> I am using the on a protein with a modified amino acid and the log file is giving the following error:
> CalcError: /opt/asn/apps/amber12_tools13/amber12/bin/mmpbsa_py_energy failed with prmtop complex.prmtop!
> The same calculation for the protein without the modified residue is working!
> Furthermore, the _MMPBSA_complex_pb.mdout.0 file is giving the below error:
> Reading parm file (complex.prmtop)
> title:
> default_name
>      Parameter topology includes 10-12 terms:
>      These are assumed to be zero here (e.g. from TIP3P water)
>         mm_options:  e_debug=3
>         mm_options:  ipb=2
>         mm_options:  inp=2
>         mm_options:  epsin=1.000000
>         mm_options:  epsout=80.000000
>         mm_options:  smoothopt=1
>         mm_options:  istrng=100.000000
>         mm_options:  radiopt=1
>         mm_options:  dprob=1.400000
>         mm_options:  iprob=2.000000
>         mm_options:  npbopt=0
>         mm_options:  solvopt=1
>         mm_options:  accept=0.001000
>         mm_options:  maxitn=1000
>         mm_options:  fillratio=4.000000
>         mm_options:  space=0.500000
>         mm_options:  nfocus=2
>         mm_options:  fscale=8
>         mm_options:  bcopt=5
>         mm_options:  eneopt=2
>         mm_options:  cutnb=0.000000
>         mm_options:  sprob=0.557000
>         mm_options:  cavity_surften=0.037800
>         mm_options:  cavity_offset=-0.569200
> Error: ipb>0 is incompatible with periodic boundary conditions.
> Error: To use this method set IFBOX in the PRMTOP file to 0.
> Error: See
> Please help for i can not figure the way to deal with it.
> Thanks,
> Symon
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