Dear Sir
The files that I used are attached to the messege, complex.pdb is the conformation of the protein-ligand complex that I started the calculation with, LIG.pdb is the conformation of the ligand alone, LIG.prepin and LIG.frcmod are the files generated by Antechamber for the ligand and vac.inpcrd is the inpcrd file generated for the ligand. I could not load any more files because of the upload limit of the mailing list.
The commands that I used are:
nohup $AMBERHOME/exe/antechamber -i LIG.pdb -fi pdb -o LIG.prepin -fo prepi -c bcc -s 2 &
$AMBERHOME/exe/parmchk -i LIG.prepin -f prepi -o LIG.frcmod
$AMBERHOME/exe/tleap -s -f $AMBERHOME/dat/leap/cmd/leaprc.ff99SB
source leaprc.gaff
loadamberprep LIG.prepin
loadamberparams LIG.frcmod
model=loadpdb complex.pdb
addions model Na+ 0
saveamberparm model vac.prmtop vac.inpcrd
My ligand is not charged and I am using AMBER 12 on a GPU. When I convert the inpcrd file to pdb file using this command:
$AMBERHOME/exe/ambpdb -p vac.prmtop < vac.inpcrd > vac_inpcrd.pdb
the ligand position within the protein in the resulting file is different from the starting conformation in complex.pdb and the ligand itself is distorted. I am using different ligands on the same protein and I am getting this with all of them.
Thank you so much for your patience
Mahmood Jasim
From: David A Case []
Sent: 17 September 2013 12:36
To: AMBER Mailing List
Subject: Re: [AMBER] Antechamber
On Tue, Sep 17, 2013, Jasim, Mahmood (Student) wrote:
> I have tried your suggestion and not solvate the system. The results
> were similar. I have attached the files for you to have a look please.
Unfortunately, what you sent is not enough to even understand the problem, let
alone to reproduce it. As I remember(?), you didn't have any LIG.pdb file in
your earlier post. If you are going to get help, you will need to post
(again) the exact commands you used, provide all the needed files, and
describe the problem in as much detail and specificity as you can. (That is,
don't just say, the "the pdb file I get from ambpdb is bad"; give an example
of exactly what you don't like about the result.)
What you seem to be doing is what we do every day with this code, so no one is
likely to say: "Oh, I recognize that problem". We have to be able to try to
reproduce the problem. You can help by trying to find a simple and small
example that illustrates it. Does this happen with every protein-ligand
complex you try, or just this particular one?
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- application/download attachment: LIG.pdb
Received on Tue Sep 17 2013 - 05:30:07 PDT