Dear amber users.
I have some question to ask.
I want to do the clustering analysis refer to this paper(
a part of the method from above paper:
*Simulated **trajectories were clustered into distinct groups based on
*linkage methods by ptraj. Based on the main-chain rmsd, each*
*snapshot is compared against the average coordinates of the*
*existing groups after rigid-body alignment. A snapshot may*
*become a member of its closest cluster if the rmsd is smaller*
*than a given cutoff (3 Å). Otherwise, a new cluster would be*
*generated if the minimum rmsd exceeded the cutoff.*
My trajectories were produced by REMD, I pick up the trajectories of 340.8K
and write the ptraj input file as follow:
trajin ../remd.340.8k.binpos
cluster out cluster all Amber representative pdb average pdb averagelinkage
epsilon 3.0 rms :2-103.CA
Now I want to get some advice about whether this input file will do the
same analysis to the paper.
I finished the ptraj cluster analysis, use the above input file.
The whole process is used about 20 days.
computer info:
Linux CentOS 5
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5472 . 3.00GHz
MemTotal: 16434952 kB
( *Why spend so long time ?*)
I found that some PDB file can not be saved( *What is the reason, and
whether it has some effect of the analysis result?*)
I checked there are only 1019 cluster.rep.c* and cluster.avg.c* files saved.
The part log file of ptraj:
Successfully completed.
Resource usage summary:
CPU time :1730738.50 sec.
The output (if any) follows:
-/- PTRAJ: a utility for processing trajectory files
\-/ Version: "AMBER 12.0 integrated" (4/2012)
-/- Executable is: "ptraj"
/-\ Running on 1 processor(s)
\-/ Residue labels:
Too many clusters, clusters beyond 62 will be represented using *.
ptrajOutputCoordinates(): Could not write PDB file cluster.rep.c1019
ptrajOutputCoordinates(): Could not write PDB file cluster.avg.c1019
WARNING in ptrajOutputCoordinates(): Error opening
output coordinate file (cluster.c1020)
ptrajOutputCoordinates(): Could not write PDB file cluster.rep.c1020
ptrajOutputCoordinates(): Could not write PDB file cluster.avg.c1020
ptrajOutputCoordinates(): Could not write PDB file cluster.rep.c1021
ptrajOutputCoordinates(): Could not write PDB file cluster.avg.c1021
ptrajOutputCoordinates(): Could not write PDB file cluster.rep.c1022
ptrajOutputCoordinates(): Could not write PDB file cluster.avg.c1022
ptrajOutputCoordinates(): Could not write PDB file cluster.rep.c1023
ptrajOutputCoordinates(): Could not write PDB file cluster.avg.c1023
I attach the log file of ptraj.
There are some files produced,
How should I use this files to get the best populated cluster and
represented PDB file?
Waiting for your valuable reply.
Thanks a lot.
Biao Ma
AMBER mailing list
Received on Tue Sep 17 2013 - 01:00:02 PDT