From: Senthil Natesan <sen.natesan.yahoo.com>
Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2013 08:46:12 -0700 (PDT)

Dear Amber Users,

I am trying to do MMPBSA calculations with a single trajectory and gives the following error:


Preparing trajectories for simulation...
Error in box coord line of trajectory h3_820_complex_prod2.mdcrd.
      Expect only 3 or 6 box coords.
Problem line:   4.509  71.808  82.630  27.602  29.349  36.456  58.340 102.059 -20.666

    Error: Could not set up h3_820_complex_prod2.mdcrd for reading.
Error: trajin: Could not set up trajectory.
TrajError: Trajectory h3_820_complex_prod2.mdcrd has 0 frames!
Exiting. All files have been retained.

I went through the previous user lists messages, but there is no clear answers that I could find.

my input file looks like this:

 startframe=1, endframe=2500, interval=50,
 igb=5, saltcon=0.150,

Earlier I prepared the input files using the following script

source leaprc.ff99SB
loadoff aly.lib
loadamberparams aly.frcmod
lig = loadpdb H3_820_unmodified_ligand.pdb
prot = loadpdb H3_820_unmodified_protein.pdb
complex =  combine{prot lig}
set default PBRadii mbondi2

saveamberparm lig h3_820_lig.prmtop h3_820_lig.inpcrd
saveamberparm prot h3_820_protein.prmtop h3_820_protein.inpcrd
saveamberparm complex h3_820_complex.prmtop h3_820_complex.inpcrd

charge complex
addions complex Cl- 0
solvateOct complex TIP3PBOX 16.0
saveamberparm complex h3_820_complex_solvated.prmtop h3_820_complex_solvated.inpcrd


I am running MMPBSA.py as follows

MMPBSA.py -O -i h3820_mmpbsa.in -cp h3_820_complex.prmtop -rp h3_820_protein.prmtop -lp h3_820_lig.prmtop -y h3_820_complex_prod2.mdcrd

Any suggestions would be appreciated?

Senthil Natesan
AMBER mailing list
Received on Thu Jun 06 2013 - 09:00:03 PDT
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