Re: [AMBER] error running pmemd cuda tests

From: Jason Swails <>
Date: Thu, 9 May 2013 10:28:54 -0400

On Thu, May 9, 2013 at 9:15 AM, Blake Mertz <> wrote:

> g,
> Thanks for pointing that out -- I should have thought to do that
> before tackling the more complex compilation. I get the same error
> when trying to compile cuda-based PMEMD in serial too:
> make[4]: `cuda.a' is up to date.
> make[4]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/amber12/src/pmemd/src/cuda'
> gfortran -O3 -mtune=native -DCUDA -Duse_SPFP -o pmemd.cuda
> gbl_constants.o gbl_datatypes.o state_info.o file_io_dat.o
> mdin_ctrl_dat.o mdin_ewald_dat.o mdin_debugf_dat.o prmtop_dat.o
> inpcrd_dat.o dynamics_dat.o img.o nbips.o parallel_dat.o parallel.o
> gb_parallel.o pme_direct.o pme_recip_dat.o pme_slab_recip.o
> pme_blk_recip.o pme_slab_fft.o pme_blk_fft.o pme_fft_dat.o fft1d.o
> bspline.o pme_force.o pbc.o nb_pairlist.o nb_exclusions.o cit.o
> dynamics.o bonds.o angles.o dihedrals.o extra_pnts_nb14.o runmd.o
> loadbal.o shake.o prfs.o mol_list.o runmin.o constraints.o
> axis_optimize.o gb_ene.o veclib.o gb_force.o timers.o pmemd_lib.o
> runfiles.o file_io.o bintraj.o binrestart.o pmemd_clib.o pmemd.o
> random.o degcnt.o erfcfun.o nmr_calls.o nmr_lib.o get_cmdline.o
> master_setup.o pme_alltasks_setup.o pme_setup.o ene_frc_splines.o
> gb_alltasks_setup.o nextprmtop_section.o angles_ub.o dihedrals_imp.o
> cmap.o charmm.o charmm_gold.o findmask.o remd.o multipmemd.o
> remd_exchg.o amd.o gbsa.o \
> ./cuda/cuda.a -L/usr/local/cuda/lib64 -L/usr/local/cuda/lib
> -lcurand -lcufft -lcudart -L/usr/local/src/amber12/lib
> -L/usr/local/src/amber12/lib -lnetcdf
> ./cuda/cuda.a(kCalculateGBBornRadii.o): In function `cudaError
> cudaFuncSetSharedMemConfig<void ()>(void (*)(), cudaSharedMemConfig)':
> tmpxft_000034d4_00000000-6_kCalculateGBBornRadii.compute_30.cudafe1.cpp:(.text._Z26cudaFuncSetSharedMemConfigIFvvEE9cudaErrorPT_19cudaSharedMemConfig[cudaError
> cudaFuncSetSharedMemConfig<void ()>(void (*)(),
> cudaSharedMemConfig)]+0x1c): undefined reference to
> `cudaFuncSetSharedMemConfig'
> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
> My CUDA_HOME and LD_LIBRARY_PATH settings were the same as before:
> root.NEI-GPU:/usr/local/src/amber12# echo $CUDA_HOME
> /usr/local/cuda
> root.NEI-GPU:/usr/local/src/amber12# echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH
> /usr/local/cuda/lib:/usr/local/cuda/lib64:/usr/local/src/amber12/lib
> Do you know if any amber12 users have successfully compiled cuda-base
> PMEMD using the nvidia cuda libraries from a debian-based linux
> distributions' repositories (i.e. Debian, Ubuntu, Linux Mint, etc.)?
> Traditionally for me it's always been easier to maintain a functional
> OS by using nvidia drivers the 'Debian way' instead of the 'Nvidia
> way', which is why I haven't bothered to install the libraries and
> drivers from nvidia's website.

I have never tried this. Mostly, I don't trust this route. CUDA is a
relatively new technology that is rapidly evolving. Debian's philosophy
(which is common amongst linuxes) is to maintain a very stable system
(which means only maintenance-type updates for packages in its

I will join the previous responder and suggest that you try compiling some
of the code in the CUDA SDK. Do those work?

Good luck,

Jason M. Swails
Quantum Theory Project,
University of Florida
Ph.D. Candidate
AMBER mailing list
Received on Thu May 09 2013 - 08:00:02 PDT
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