Hi John
The list on the amber website is far from exhaustive. Mainly because I
can't keep up with all the various models of GPU that NVIDIA release. The
GTX460 and 465 should both work fine with AMBER although I've not tested
it. The fact that the code runs some MD is indicative that it should work.
What you are seeing is indicative of a faulty GPU. Are there no error
messages reported anywhere? - Does it always fail at the same point or
just roughly the same point? Does the GPU drop off the bus completely
(requiring a reboot to see it again?). Typically when a job will run for a
few minutes and then stops it implies an overheating GPU, maybe a fan not
working properly for example. It could also mean dodgy memory on the GPU
which happens sometimes although in that case the results are normally
crazy before the crash.
Do the test cases all pass?
As for the GTX560 - yes that should work fine.
All the best
On 3/10/13 10:54 PM, "John Gehman" <jgehman.unimelb.edu.au> wrote:
>Dear Amber Fans,
>Could anybody confirm whether or not the nVidia GTX 460 chipset should
>work with Amber12? It's not on the list at
>http://ambermd.org/gpus/#supported_gpus, which I presume is drawing a
>distinction between hardware revision/compute capability 2.1 vs 2.0 [e.g.
>for the GTX 465] per the guideline on that page. However, v2.1 *does*
>appear to provide double precision, and the GTX560 which *is* OK'd for
>Amber12 appears to actually be v2.1 as well (ref
>The problem is that my Amber12 jobs seem to die with no errors or
>explanation after about 30 ps on my GPU. This has happened for one of my
>runs, as well as one of the benchmark runs, which run fine (albeit slow,
>of course) on a single CPU.
>I am trying to ascertain whether the GPU is to blame, and if so, whether
>a GTX560 (Ti) will actually get me going, or not.
>Many Thanks!
>John Gehman
>University of Melbourne
>==== === == = = = = = = = = =
>John Gehman Office +61 3 8344 2417
>ARC Future Fellow Fax +61 3 9347 8189
>School of Chemistry Magnets +61 3 8344 2470
>Bio21 Institute Mobile +61 407 536
>30 Flemington Rd jgehman.unimelb.edu.au
>Univ. of Melbourne
>VIC 3010 Australia
> "Crooked nails hold better" (JDG, unpublished data)
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