Re: [AMBER] NPT with pmemd.amoeba.MPI Density alway decreasing

From: Jason Swails <>
Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2013 06:58:38 -0500

Do you get the same problems if you run with the serial version?

I can't see anything blatantly wrong with your simulation input, although it would probably be best to explicitly set pres0 in your input file. (It defaults to 1, but in the interest of trying things it's worth a shot, I suppose).

Probably the first thing I should have asked: do all of your pmemd.amoeba tests pass? Unfortunately I don't see any that test constant pressure (perhaps there's a bug in the virial calculation, or maybe it's not expected to work...). Does the same input work with sander?


Jason M. Swails
Quantum Theory Project
University of Florida
Ph.D. Candidate
On Feb 26, 2013, at 6:30 PM, Cheng Wang <> wrote:
> Dear Amber Users:
> Greetings. I have a problem when I run a pure water box with
> pmemd.amoeba.MPI in Amber12.
> It is a system with 216 waters (Using in Tinker website as
> the starting structure)
> The input files (prmtop and inpcrd) were prepared with tinker4.3 following
> the procedure in
> $AMBERHOME/src/pmemd.amoeba/build_amoeba/examples/Organic_liquids/README
> I have run the minimization, NPT at 10 K ( this is OK for density) ,  NVT
> to heat the system to 300K then NPT for production (Problem happened here)
> The following is for NPT at 300 K
> mdin file is the same as in test $AMBERHOME/test/amoeba_wat2/nptverlet
> &cntrl
>   ntx=5, irest=0,
>   nstlim=10000,
>   ntpr=100, ntwr=1000,ntave=1000,
>   nscm=1000,ntwx=0,
>   dt=0.001, vlimit=10.0,
>   cut=8.,maxcyc=50,ntmin=2,imin=0,
>   ntt=3, temp0=300.0,tempi=300.0,taup=2.0,gamma_ln=5.0,
>   ntp=1,ntb=2, iamoeba=1,
> /
> &ewald
>  nfft1=24,nfft2=24,nfft3=24,
>  skinnb=0.8,nbtell=0,order=5,ew_coeff=0.45,
> /
> &amoeba
>   do_amoeba_nonbond=1,do_amoeba_valence=1,beeman_integrator=0,
>   do_bond=1,do_ureyb=1,do_reg_angle=1,do_trig_angle=1,
>   do_opbend=1,do_torsion=1,do_str_torsion=1,do_pi_torsion=1,do_strbend=1,
>   do_torsion_torsion=1,do_induced=1,do_recip=1,do_direct=1,do_adjust=1,
>   do_vdw=1,do_vdw_taper=1,do_vdw_longrange=1,
>   do_self=1,dipole_scf_tol = 0.01,dipole_scf_iter_max=30,
>   sor_coefficient=0.7,ee_damped_cut=4.5,ee_dsum_cut=6.7,
> /
> Part of mdout:
> NSTEP =        0   TIME(PS) =      39.900  TEMP(K) =   309.62  PRESS =
> 0.0
> Etot   =       -52.3080  EKtot   =       598.0450  EPtot      =
> -650.3530
> BOND   =        90.2577  ANGLE   =        64.9090  DIHED      =
> 0.0000
> 1-4 NB =         0.0000  1-4 EEL =         0.0000  VDWAALS    =
> 130.6443
> EELEC  =     -1190.2214  EHBOND  =         0.0000  RESTRAINT  =
> 0.0000
> EKCMT  =         0.0000  VIRIAL  =      -412.8043  VOLUME     =
> 6180.6928
> EPOLZ  =       254.0575
> Dipole convergence: rms =  0.805E-02 iters =   3.00
>                                                    Density    =
> 1.0455
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> NSTEP =      100   TIME(PS) =      40.000  TEMP(K) =   311.96  PRESS =
> 3625.5
> Etot   =       -60.0346  EKtot   =       602.5590  EPtot      =
> -662.5936
> BOND   =       101.8250  ANGLE   =        54.6825  DIHED      =
> 0.0000
> 1-4 NB =         0.0000  1-4 EEL =         0.0000  VDWAALS    =
> 115.9511
> EELEC  =     -1191.2794  EHBOND  =         0.0000  RESTRAINT  =
> 0.0000
> EKCMT  =       602.5590  VIRIAL  =       210.8243  VOLUME     =
> 6268.3327
> EPOLZ  =       256.2272
> Dipole convergence: rms =  0.805E-02 iters =   3.00
>                                                    Density    =
> 1.0308
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> NSTEP =      200   TIME(PS) =      40.100  TEMP(K) =   294.47  PRESS =
> 3818.6
> Etot   =       -35.3151  EKtot   =       568.7788  EPtot      =
> -604.0939
> BOND   =       127.8512  ANGLE   =        71.1567  DIHED      =
> 0.0000
> 1-4 NB =         0.0000  1-4 EEL =         0.0000  VDWAALS    =
> 84.2403
> EELEC  =     -1140.8546  EHBOND  =         0.0000  RESTRAINT  =
> 0.0000
> EKCMT  =       568.7788  VIRIAL  =        77.6825  VOLUME     =
> 6343.9643
> EPOLZ  =       253.5125
> Dipole convergence: rms =  0.795E-02 iters =   3.00
>                                                    Density    =
> 1.0186
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> .....
> .....
> NSTEP =     9900   TIME(PS) =      49.800  TEMP(K) =   303.61  PRESS =
> -79.4
> Etot   =        89.5063  EKtot   =       586.4408  EPtot      =
> -496.9345
> BOND   =       155.4463  ANGLE   =        79.8979  DIHED      =
> 0.0000
> 1-4 NB =         0.0000  1-4 EEL =         0.0000  VDWAALS    =
> 38.8393
> EELEC  =     -1012.5701  EHBOND  =         0.0000  RESTRAINT  =
> 0.0000
> EKCMT  =       586.4408  VIRIAL  =      1202.0265  VOLUME     =
> 8392.7040
> EPOLZ  =       241.4520
> Dipole convergence: rms =  0.660E-02 iters =   3.00
>                                                    Density    =
> 0.7699
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> NSTEP =    10000   TIME(PS) =      49.900  TEMP(K) =   297.80  PRESS =
> 1287.4
> Etot   =        85.4612  EKtot   =       575.2203  EPtot      =
> -489.7591
> BOND   =       150.1086  ANGLE   =        77.1086  DIHED      =
> 0.0000
> 1-4 NB =         0.0000  1-4 EEL =         0.0000  VDWAALS    =
> 38.0968
> EELEC  =      -992.6127  EHBOND  =         0.0000  RESTRAINT  =
> 0.0000
> EKCMT  =       575.2203  VIRIAL  =       677.6819  VOLUME     =
> 8393.5312
> EPOLZ  =       237.5395
> Dipole convergence: rms =  0.652E-02 iters =   3.00
>                                                    Density    =
> 0.7698
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> The density is keeping decreasing.  In addition, if I keeping running to 1
> ns. The density will around 0.02 or something..
> I am not sure what is problem.Any comment is welcome.
> Best,
> Cheng
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Received on Wed Feb 27 2013 - 04:30:02 PST
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