[AMBER] problems with NAB

From: uday spike <udaytronic.gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 7 Feb 2013 13:19:37 +0530

Dear Amber users,
I am trying to create our DNA duplex in Amber12, and need NAB for the
execution. When I try to execute nab nuc.nab it seems that No command 'nab'

Here is my output:

camp.camp-HP-Pro-3330-MT:~/Desktop/Tutorials$ echo $AMBERHOME
camp.camp-HP-Pro-3330-MT:~/Desktop/Tutorials$ nab nuc.nab
No command 'nab' found, did you mean:
 Command 'nap' from package 'nap' (universe)
 Command 'dab' from package 'bsdgames' (universe)
 Command 'fab' from package 'fabric' (universe)
 Command 'nzb' from package 'nzb' (universe)
 Command 'ab' from package 'apache2-utils' (main)
 Command 'nb' from package 'nanoblogger' (universe)
 Command 'nam' from package 'nam' (universe)
 Command 'nabi' from package 'nabi' (main)
nab: command not found

I have installed Amber 12 and Amber Tools 12 successfully.
any help resolving this issue would be much appreciated.

With Best Regards,
Thanking You,
Uday B M
AMBER mailing list
Received on Thu Feb 07 2013 - 00:00:03 PST
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