[AMBER] Problem using solvatebox for large, linear peptide

From: Joe Passman <joepassman.comcast.net>
Date: Fri, 1 Feb 2013 02:16:09 +0000 (UTC)

Hi all,

I am interested in running a minimization on a lengthy peptide. I would like to use a cubic solvation box for periodicity. I have been encountering some problems as I change the box length. At 20 ang, the box seems to small, and I am worried that conformational changes could lead to interactions with the neighboring replica. If I make the box bigger (i.e. box length = 60 ang), the boxes of water look like they are stacking on top of each other.

I am running the tleap script from a python subprocess. Originally, I speculated that this could lead to some problems. However, I have manually solvated this system, and the same thing happens. My tleap script is below:

source leaprc.ff12SB

l100 = loadpdb lambdaN_100.pdb
solvatebox l100 TIP3PBOX 20
savepdb l100 wb_lambdaN_100.pdb


To sum, I am searching for a way to solvate a long peptide.


Joe Passman

AMBER mailing list

(image/jpeg attachment: BoxLength20.jpg)

(image/jpeg attachment: BoxLength60.jpg)

Received on Thu Jan 31 2013 - 18:30:02 PST
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