[AMBER] selecting a gpu device in multiple gpu system

From: 홍종희 <croshong.nate.com>
Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2012 19:42:38 +0900

    Dear Amber users

   My name is jong hui hong in Korea

    Hi recently We have installed Amber12

   and It seems to works quiet well

   But in case of multiple GPU card system, our ssystem has a problem in

   a specific GPU device

   suppose We have 3 GPU card

   [user1.cs-g ~]$ deviceQueryDrv -noprompt | egrep "^Device"
   Device 0: "Tesla C2075"
   Device 1: "Tesla C2075"
   Device 2: "Tesla C2075"

   If I wanto select device 0

   [user1.cs-g ~]$ export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES="0"
   [user1.cs-g ~]$ deviceQueryDrv -noprompt | egrep "^Device"
   Device 0: "Tesla C2075"

   It;s OK

   But If I want select device 1

   [user1.cs-g ~]$ export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES="1"
   [user1.cs-g ~]$ deviceQueryDrv -noprompt | egrep "^Device"
   Device 0: "Tesla C2075"

   even I set the CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES to 1

   It only shows Deice 0

   If I want to select device 0,1

   [user1.cs-g ~]$ deviceQueryDrv -noprompt | egrep "^Device"
   Device 0: "Tesla C2075"
   Device 1: "Tesla C2075"

   It show both of them

   But In case of I want to select device 0,2

   [user1.cs-g ~]$ export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES="0,2"
   [user1.cs-g ~]$ deviceQueryDrv -noprompt | egrep "^Device"
   Device 0: "Tesla C2075"
   Device 1: "Tesla C2075"

   even I set CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES to 0,2

   It still shows device 0,1

   I think there's somethin's wrong with cuda setup in our system, but I can
   not manage at all..

   Any kind of suggestion would be reall appreciated.

   Best Regards

   Jong hui

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Received on Wed Nov 21 2012 - 03:00:02 PST
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