[AMBER] [PATCH 2/8] dsarpack.f: Move into sff to allow build against arpack-ng

From: Reinis Danne <gam4rei.gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2012 01:14:55 +0300

From: Reinis Danne <rei4dan.gmail.com>

This seems to be the only file which is not in the maintained arpack
package. The best would be to remove the need for it or move it into the
arpack-ng package. For reference to arpack-ng see:
 AmberTools/src/sff/Makefile   |   2 +-
 AmberTools/src/sff/dsarpack.f | 654 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 655 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100644 AmberTools/src/sff/dsarpack.f
diff --git a/AmberTools/src/sff/Makefile b/AmberTools/src/sff/Makefile
index 83f362c..b1a1b2e 100644
--- a/AmberTools/src/sff/Makefile
+++ b/AmberTools/src/sff/Makefile
.. -3,7 +3,7 .. include ../config.h
-OBJS = binpos.o conjgrad.o lmodC.o memutil.o nblist.o newton.o nmode.o \
+OBJS = binpos.o conjgrad.o dsarpack.o lmodC.o memutil.o nblist.o newton.o nmode.o \
 	prm.o rand2.o sasad.o sff.o time.o xminC.o AmberNetcdf.o $(SFF_RISM_INTERFACE)
diff --git a/AmberTools/src/sff/dsarpack.f b/AmberTools/src/sff/dsarpack.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7a5232
--- /dev/null
+++ b/AmberTools/src/sff/dsarpack.f
.. -0,0 +1,654 ..
+      subroutine dsarpack(n_dim,n_eig_in,n_eig_out,ncv_in,itr_in,
+     &                    eigval_tol,eigvals,eigvecs,spectrum,
+     &                    need_eigvecs,ierr,debug_arpack,
+     &                    v,workl,workd,d,resid,ax,select,
+     &                    xyz,grad,return_flag,label)
+      implicit none
+c     %-----------------%
+c     | Dummy Arguments |
+c     %-----------------%
+      integer n_dim,n_eig_in,n_eig_out,ncv_in,itr_in,spectrum,
+     &        need_eigvecs,ierr,debug_arpack,return_flag,label
+      Double precision eigval_tol
+      Double precision eigvals(n_eig_in),eigvecs(n_dim * n_eig_in)
+      Double precision v(n_dim,ncv_in),
+     &                 workl(ncv_in*(ncv_in+8)),workd(3*n_dim),
+     &                 d(ncv_in,2),resid(n_dim),ax(n_dim),
+     &                 xyz(n_dim),grad(n_dim)
+      logical select(ncv_in)
+      save
+c     %---------------%
+c     | Include Files |
+c     %---------------%
+c     include 'debug.h'
+c\SCCS Information: .(#)
+c FILE: debug.h   SID: 2.3   DATE OF SID: 11/16/95   RELEASE: 2
+c     %---------------------------------%
+c     | See debug.doc for documentation |
+c     %---------------------------------%
+      integer  logfil, ndigit, mgetv0,
+     &         msaupd, msaup2, msaitr, mseigt, msapps, msgets, mseupd,
+     &         mnaupd, mnaup2, mnaitr, mneigh, mnapps, mngets, mneupd,
+     &         mcaupd, mcaup2, mcaitr, mceigh, mcapps, mcgets, mceupd
+      common /debug/
+     &         logfil, ndigit, mgetv0,
+     &         msaupd, msaup2, msaitr, mseigt, msapps, msgets, mseupd,
+     &         mnaupd, mnaup2, mnaitr, mneigh, mnapps, mngets, mneupd,
+     &         mcaupd, mcaup2, mcaitr, mceigh, mcapps, mcgets, mceupd
+c     This code shows how to use ARPACK to find a few eigenvalues
+c     (lambda) and corresponding eigenvectors (x) for the standard
+c     eigenvalue problem:
+c                        A*x = lambda*x
+c     where A is an n by n real symmetric matrix.
+c     The main points illustrated here are
+c        1) How to declare sufficient memory to find NEV
+c           eigenvalues of largest magnitude.  Other options
+c           are available.
+c        2) Illustration of the reverse communication interface
+c           needed to utilize the top level ARPACK routine DSAUPD
+c           that computes the quantities needed to construct
+c           the desired eigenvalues and eigenvectors(if requested).
+c        3) How to extract the desired eigenvalues and eigenvectors
+c           using the ARPACK routine DSEUPD.
+c     The only thing that must be supplied in order to use this
+c     routine on your problem is to change the array dimensions
+c     appropriately, to specify WHICH eigenvalues you want to compute
+c     and to supply a matrix-vector product
+c                         w <-  Av
+c     in place of the call to AV( ) below.
+c     Once usage of this routine is understood, you may wish to explore
+c     the other available options to improve convergence, to solve generalized
+c     problems, etc.  Look at the file ex-sym.doc in DOCUMENTS directory.
+c     This codes implements
+c     ... Suppose we want to solve A*x = lambda*x in regular mode,
+c         where A is derived from the central difference discretization
+c         of the 2-dimensional Laplacian on the unit square with
+c         zero Dirichlet boundary condition.
+c     ... OP = A  and  B = I.
+c     ... Assume "call av (n,x,y)" computes y = A*x
+c     ... Use mode 1 of DSAUPD.
+c\Routines called:
+c     dsaupd  ARPACK reverse communication interface routine.
+c     dseupd  ARPACK routine that returns Ritz values and (optionally)
+c             Ritz vectors.
+c     dnrm2   Level 1 BLAS that computes the norm of a vector.
+c     daxpy   Level 1 BLAS that computes y <- alpha*x+y.
+c     Richard Lehoucq
+c     Danny Sorensen
+c     Chao Yang
+c     Dept. of Computational &
+c     Applied Mathematics
+c     Rice University
+c     Houston, Texas
+c\SCCS Information: %Z%
+c FILE: %M%   SID: %I%   DATE OF SID: %G%   RELEASE: %R%
+c     1. None
+c     %-------------------------------------------------------%
+c     | Storage Declarations:                                 |
+c     |                                                       |
+c     | The maximum dimensions for all arrays are             |
+c     | set here to accommodate a problem size of             |
+c     | N .le. MAXN                                           |
+c     |                                                       |
+c     | NEV is the number of eigenvalues requested.           |
+c     |     See specifications for ARPACK usage below.        |
+c     |                                                       |
+c     | NCV is the largest number of basis vectors that will  |
+c     |     be used in the Implicitly Restarted Arnoldi       |
+c     |     Process.  Work per major iteration is             |
+c     |     proportional to N*NCV*NCV.                        |
+c     |                                                       |
+c     | You must set:                                         |
+c     |                                                       |
+c     | MAXN:   Maximum dimension of the A allowed. (dynamic) |
+c     | MAXNEV: Maximum NEV allowed. (dynamic)                |
+c     | MAXNCV: Maximum NCV allowed. (dynamic)                |
+c     %-------------------------------------------------------%
+C     %--------------------------------------%
+C     | F90 Allocatable Arrays (on the heap) |
+C     %--------------------------------------%
+C     Double precision,allocatable,save :: v(:,:)
+C     integer,save :: v_row_allocated = 0, v_col_allocated = 0
+c     %----------------------------------------------%
+c     | Originally, as F77 parameters, the following |
+c     | integers were used to dimension work arrays. |
+c     | They are replaced by dummy arguments used to |
+c     | dimension the work arrays as F90 automatic   |
+c     | arrays, but the integers are still used for  |
+c     | passing the dimensions to lower level ARPACK |
+c     | routines dsaupd, dseupd and dmout.           |
+c     %----------------------------------------------%
+      integer          maxn, maxnev, maxncv, ldv
+c     %-------------------------------------------%
+c     | Local F90 Automatic Arrays (on the stack) |
+c     %-------------------------------------------%
+      Double precision
+C    &                 workl(ncv_in*(ncv_in+8)),
+C    &                 workd(3*n_dim), d(ncv_in,2), resid(n_dim),
+C    &                 ax(n_dim),
+     &                 cg_dstat(4)
+C     logical          select(ncv_in)
+      integer          iparam(11), ipntr(11),
+     &                 cg_istat(4)
+c     %---------------%
+c     | Local Scalars |
+c     %---------------%
+      character        bmat*1, which*2
+      integer          ido, n, nev, ncv, lworkl, info,
+     &                 i, j, nx, ishfts, maxitr, mode1, nconv
+      integer          L12, L18, ARPACK_ERROR, status_flag
+      data             L12, L18, ARPACK_ERROR /1, 2, -2/
+C     integer          v_row_needed, v_col_needed
+      logical          rvec
+      Double precision
+     &                 tol, sigma
+c     %------------%
+c     | Parameters |
+c     %------------%
+      Double precision
+     &                 zero
+      parameter        (zero = 0.0D+0)
+c     %-----------------------------%
+c     | BLAS & LAPACK routines used |
+c     %-----------------------------%
+      Double precision
+     &                 dnrm2
+      external         dnrm2, daxpy, hessvec
+c     %--------------------%
+c     | Intrinsic function |
+c     %--------------------%
+      intrinsic        abs
+c     %-----------------------%
+c     | Executable Statements |
+c     %-----------------------%
+      if ( label.eq.0 ) go to 1
+      go to (12,18) label
+  1   continue
+c     %------------------------------------------------%
+c     | Values used to calculate work array dimensions |
+c     %------------------------------------------------%
+      maxn = n_dim
+      maxnev = n_eig_in
+      maxncv = ncv_in
+      ldv = maxn
+c     %---------------------------------------------------%
+c     | The include debug.h statement above and           |
+c     | assignments here initiate trace output from the   |
+c     | internal actions of ARPACK.  See debug.doc in the |
+c     | DOCUMENTS directory for usage.  Initially, the    |
+c     | most useful information will be a breakdown of    |
+c     | time spent in the various stages of computation   |
+c     | given by setting msaupd = 1.                      |
+c     %---------------------------------------------------%
+      ndigit = -5
+      logfil = 6
+      msgets = 0
+      msaitr = 0
+      msapps = 0
+      if ( debug_arpack.eq.1 ) then
+        msaupd = 1
+      else
+        msaupd = 0
+      endif
+      msaup2 = 0
+      mseigt = 0
+      mseupd = 0
+c   *** Allocatable array v will be allowed to grow to its largest size;
+c   ***  it is never deallocated:
+C     v_row_needed = n_dim        !!! ldv
+C     v_col_needed = ncv_in       !!! maxncv
+C     if( allocated(v) )then
+C       if( (v_row_needed .gt. v_row_allocated)
+C    & .or. (v_col_needed .gt. v_col_allocated) )then
+C         deallocate(v,stat=ierr)
+C         if( ierr .ne. 0 )then
+C           write( logfil, '(a,i16,1x,i8)' )
+C    &       'ARPACK: could not deallocate v'
+C           go to 9000
+C         endif
+C       endif
+C     endif
+C     if( .not. allocated(v) )then
+C       allocate( v(v_row_needed,v_col_needed), stat=ierr )
+C       if( ierr .ne. 0 )then
+C         write( logfil, '(a,2i10)' )
+C    &     'ARPACK: could not allocate v'
+C         go to 9000
+C       endif
+C       v_row_allocated = v_row_needed
+C       v_col_allocated = v_col_needed
+C     endif
+C     v = zero !!! zero out entire v array
+c     %-------------------------------------------------%
+c     | The following sets dimensions for this problem. |
+c     %-------------------------------------------------%
+      n = n_dim
+c     %----------------------------------------------%
+c     |                                              |
+c     | Specifications for ARPACK usage are set      |
+c     | below:                                       |
+c     |                                              |
+c     |    1) NEV = N_EIG_IN  asks for N_EIG_IN      |
+c     |       eigenvalues to be computed.            |
+c     |                                              |
+c     |    2) NCV = NCV_IN sets the length of the    |
+c     |       Arnoldi factorization                  |
+c     |                                              |
+c     |    3) This is a standard problem             |
+c     |         (indicated by bmat  = 'I')           |
+c     |                                              |
+c     |    4) Ask for the NEV eigenvalues of         |
+c     |       smallest magnitude                     |
+c     |         (indicated by which = 'SM')          |
+c     |       See documentation in SSAUPD for the    |
+c     |       other options SA, LA, LM, BE.          |
+c     |                                              |
+c     | Note: NEV and NCV must satisfy the following |
+c     | conditions:                                  |
+c     |              NEV <= MAXNEV                   |
+c     |          NEV + 1 <= NCV <= MAXNCV            |
+c     %----------------------------------------------%
+      nev   = n_eig_in
+      ncv   = ncv_in
+      bmat  = 'I'
+      if ( spectrum .eq. 1 ) then
+         which = 'SM'
+      else if ( spectrum .eq. 2 ) then
+         which = 'SA'
+      else if ( spectrum .eq. 3 ) then
+         which = 'LM'
+      else if ( spectrum .eq. 4 ) then
+         which = 'LA'
+      else if ( spectrum .eq. 5 ) then
+         which = 'BE'
+      else
+          print *, ' ERROR with _SSIMP: Spectrum .NE. (SM|SA|LA|LM|BE)'
+         go to 9000
+      end if
+      if ( n .gt. maxn ) then
+         print *, ' ERROR with _SSIMP: N is greater than MAXN '
+         go to 9000
+      else if ( nev .gt. maxnev ) then
+         print *, ' ERROR with _SSIMP: NEV is greater than MAXNEV '
+         go to 9000
+      else if ( ncv .gt. maxncv ) then
+         print *, ' ERROR with _SSIMP: NCV is greater than MAXNCV '
+         go to 9000
+      end if
+c     %-----------------------------------------------------%
+c     |                                                     |
+c     | Specification of stopping rules and initial         |
+c     | conditions before calling DSAUPD                    |
+c     |                                                     |
+c     | TOL  determines the stopping criterion.             |
+c     |                                                     |
+c     |      Expect                                         |
+c     |           abs(lambdaC - lambdaT) < TOL*abs(lambdaC) |
+c     |               computed   true                       |
+c     |                                                     |
+c     |      If TOL .le. 0,  then TOL <- macheps            |
+c     |           (machine precision) is used.              |
+c     |                                                     |
+c     | IDO  is the REVERSE COMMUNICATION parameter         |
+c     |      used to specify actions to be taken on return  |
+c     |      from DSAUPD. (See usage below.)                |
+c     |                                                     |
+c     |      It MUST initially be set to 0 before the first |
+c     |      call to DSAUPD.                                |
+c     |                                                     |
+c     | INFO on entry specifies starting vector information |
+c     |      and on return indicates error codes            |
+c     |                                                     |
+c     |      Initially, setting INFO=0 indicates that a     |
+c     |      random starting vector is requested to         |
+c     |      start the ARNOLDI iteration.  Setting INFO to  |
+c     |      a nonzero value on the initial call is used    |
+c     |      if you want to specify your own starting       |
+c     |      vector (This vector must be placed in RESID.)  |
+c     |                                                     |
+c     | The work array WORKL is used in DSAUPD as           |
+c     | workspace.  Its dimension LWORKL is set as          |
+c     | illustrated below.                                  |
+c     |                                                     |
+c     %-----------------------------------------------------%
+      lworkl = ncv*(ncv+8)
+      tol = eigval_tol
+      info = 0
+      ido = 0
+c     %---------------------------------------------------%
+c     | Specification of Algorithm Mode:                  |
+c     |                                                   |
+c     | This program uses the exact shift strategy        |
+c     | (indicated by setting PARAM(1) = 1).              |
+c     | IPARAM(3) specifies the maximum number of Arnoldi |
+c     | iterations allowed.  Mode 1 of DSAUPD is used     |
+c     | (IPARAM(7) = 1). All these options can be changed |
+c     | by the user. For details see the documentation in |
+c     | DSAUPD.                                           |
+c     %---------------------------------------------------%
+      ishfts = 1
+      maxitr = itr_in
+      mode1 = 1
+      iparam(1) = ishfts
+      iparam(3) = maxitr
+      iparam(7) = mode1
+c     %------------------------------------------------%
+c     | M A I N   L O O P (Reverse communication loop) |
+c     %------------------------------------------------%
+ 10   continue
+c        %---------------------------------------------%
+c        | Repeatedly call the routine DSAUPD and take |
+c        | actions indicated by parameter IDO until    |
+c        | either convergence is indicated or maxitr   |
+c        | has been exceeded.                          |
+c        %---------------------------------------------%
+         call dsaupd ( ido, bmat, n, which, nev, tol, resid,
+     &                 ncv, v, ldv, iparam, ipntr, workd, workl,
+     &                 lworkl, info )
+         if (ido .eq. -1 .or. ido .eq. 1) then
+c           %--------------------------------------%
+c           | Perform matrix vector multiplication |
+c           |              y <--- OP*x             |
+c           | The user should supply his/her own   |
+c           | matrix vector multiplication routine |
+c           | here that takes workd(ipntr(1)) as   |
+c           | the input, and return the result to  |
+c           | workd(ipntr(2)).                     |
+c           %--------------------------------------%
+            status_flag = 0
+ 11         continue
+               call hessvec ( n, workd(ipntr(1)), workd(ipntr(2)),
+     &                        xyz, grad, return_flag, status_flag )
+               if ( status_flag.eq.0 ) go to 13
+               if ( status_flag.lt.0 ) go to 9000
+               label = L12
+               return
+ 12         go to 11
+ 13         continue
+c           %-----------------------------------------%
+c           | L O O P   B A C K to call DSAUPD again. |
+c           %-----------------------------------------%
+            go to 10
+         end if
+c     %----------------------------------------%
+c     | Either we have convergence or there is |
+c     | an error.                              |
+c     %----------------------------------------%
+      if ( info .lt. 0 ) then
+c        %--------------------------%
+c        | Error message. Check the |
+c        | documentation in DSAUPD. |
+c        %--------------------------%
+         print *, ' '
+         print *, ' Error with _saupd, info = ', info
+         print *, ' Check documentation in _saupd '
+         print *, ' '
+         go to 9000
+      else
+c        %-------------------------------------------%
+c        | No fatal errors occurred.                 |
+c        | Post-Process using DSEUPD.                |
+c        |                                           |
+c        | Computed eigenvalues may be extracted.    |
+c        |                                           |
+c        | Eigenvectors may be also computed now if  |
+c        | desired.  (indicated by rvec = .true.)    |
+c        |                                           |
+c        | The routine DSEUPD now called to do this  |
+c        | post processing (Other modes may require  |
+c        | more complicated post processing than     |
+c        | mode1.)                                   |
+c        |                                           |
+c        %-------------------------------------------%
+         if ( need_eigvecs .eq. 1 ) then
+            rvec = .true.
+         else
+            rvec = .false.
+         end if
+         call dseupd ( rvec, 'All', select, d, v, ldv, sigma,
+     &        bmat, n, which, nev, tol, resid, ncv, v, ldv,
+     &        iparam, ipntr, workd, workl, lworkl, ierr )
+c        %----------------------------------------------%
+c        | Eigenvalues are returned in the first column |
+c        | of the two dimensional array D and the       |
+c        | corresponding eigenvectors are returned in   |
+c        | the first NCONV (=IPARAM(5)) columns of the  |
+c        | two dimensional array V if requested.        |
+c        | Otherwise, an orthogonal basis for the       |
+c        | invariant subspace corresponding to the      |
+c        | eigenvalues in D is returned in V.           |
+c        %----------------------------------------------%
+         if ( ierr .ne. 0) then
+c           %------------------------------------%
+c           | Error condition:                   |
+c           | Check the documentation of DSEUPD. |
+c           %------------------------------------%
+            print *, ' '
+            print *, ' Error with _seupd, info = ', ierr
+            print *, ' Check the documentation of _seupd. '
+            print *, ' '
+            go to 9000
+         else if ( debug_arpack.eq.1 ) then
+            nconv =  iparam(5)
+            n_eig_out = nconv
+            if ( nconv .le. 0 ) then
+               print *, ' '
+               print *, ' ARPACK: Not a single mode converged.'
+               print *, ' '
+               go to 9000
+            endif
+C           %--------------------------------------------%
+C           | "UnDO" DO 20 j=1,nconv loop, because it is |
+C           | illegal to jump in and out from a DO loop. |
+C           %--------------------------------------------%
+            j = 1
+ 16         continue
+c              %---------------------------%
+c              | Compute the residual norm |
+c              |                           |
+c              |   ||  A*x - lambda*x ||   |
+c              |                           |
+c              | for the NCONV accurately  |
+c              | computed eigenvalues and  |
+c              | eigenvectors.  (iparam(5) |
+c              | indicates how many are    |
+c              | accurate to the requested |
+c              | tolerance)                |
+c              %---------------------------%
+               status_flag = 0
+ 17            continue
+                  call hessvec ( n, v(1,j), ax, xyz, grad,
+     &                           return_flag, status_flag )
+                  if ( status_flag.eq.0 ) go to 19
+                  if ( status_flag.lt.0 ) go to 9000
+                  label = L18
+                  return
+ 18            go to 17
+ 19            continue
+               call daxpy(n, -d(j,1), v(1,j), 1, ax, 1)
+               d(j,2) = dnrm2(n, ax, 1)
+               d(j,2) = d(j,2) / abs(d(j,1))
+               j = j + 1
+               if ( j .gt. nconv ) go to 20
+               go to 16
+ 20         continue
+c           %-----------------------------%
+c           | Display computed residuals. |
+c           %-----------------------------%
+            call dmout(6, nconv, 2, d, maxncv, -6,
+     &           'Ritz values and relative residuals')
+c           %-------------------------------------------%
+c           | Print additional convergence information. |
+c           %-------------------------------------------%
+            if ( info .eq. 1) then
+               print *, ' '
+               print *, ' Maximum number of iterations reached.'
+               print *, ' '
+            else if ( info .eq. 3) then
+               print *, ' '
+               print *, ' No shifts could be applied during implicit',
+     &                  ' Arnoldi update, try increasing NCV.'
+               print *, ' '
+            end if
+            print *, ' '
+            print *, ' _SSIMP '
+            print *, ' ====== '
+            print *, ' '
+            print *, ' Size of the matrix is ', n
+            print *, ' The number of Ritz values requested is ', nev
+            print *, ' The number of Arnoldi vectors generated',
+     &               ' (NCV) is ', ncv
+            print *, ' What portion of the spectrum: ', which
+            print *, ' The number of converged Ritz values is ',
+     &                 nconv
+            print *, ' The number of Implicit Arnoldi update',
+     &               ' iterations taken is ', iparam(3)
+            print *, ' The number of OP*x is ', iparam(9)
+            print *, ' The convergence criterion is ', tol
+            print *, ' '
+         end if
+c        %----------------------------%
+c        | Return eigvals and eigvecs |
+c        %----------------------------%
+         nconv =  iparam(5)
+         n_eig_out = nconv
+         if ( nconv .le. 0 ) then
+            print *, ' '
+            print *, ' ARPACK: Not a single mode converged.'
+            print *, ' '
+            go to 9000
+         endif
+         do 40 j=1, nconv
+             eigvals(j) = d(j,1)
+             do 30 i=1, n
+                eigvecs((j-1)*n+i) = v(i,j)
+ 30          continue
+ 40      continue
+      end if
+c     %--------------------------------%
+c     | Done with subroutine dsarpack. |
+c     %--------------------------------%
+      label = 0
+      return
+ 9000 continue !!! Error
+      if( status_flag.eq.0 ) status_flag = ARPACK_ERROR
+      label = status_flag
+      return
+      end
+c ------------------------------------------------------------------
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Received on Mon Oct 22 2012 - 15:30:07 PDT
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