[AMBER] Problem related to the RED Tools

From: Sindrila Dutta banik <sindrila.duttabanik.yahoo.com>
Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2012 17:46:20 +0800 (SGT)

Dear all, I have installed the RED Tools version 5. I generated p2n file using Ante-RED and log file using gaussian. Now I want to generate mol2 file using RED.  I use the command: perl RED-vIII.5.pl > test.log but it shows the following error message  The RESP-A1 charges are being derived for molecule 1...... see the "output(1|2)_m1" file(s)                         [Failed] I am also sending the output1_m1, output2_m1, punch1_m1 and punch2_m1 files.  Please help me out.

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Received on Wed Sep 26 2012 - 03:00:03 PDT
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