Hi all,
Could someone please correct me if I am wrong with the following
interpretation of "tolerance" in REMD (I am using
http://folding.bmc.uu.se/remd/index.php to generate my REMD temeperatures)
Tolerance in REMD refers to
"The upperbound in the change of bond lengths in any two successive
snapshots. So if there is a greater change in bond lengths the program will
give an error because it exceeds the accepted upperbound (i.e.tolerance).
If I am using a lower time step I can use a lower tolerance"
Am I correct with the above statement. Please correct me if I am wrong.
Thank you (expecting a quick reply to go forward with my simulation)
Sajeewa Dewage
AMBER mailing list
Received on Wed Aug 15 2012 - 12:00:07 PDT