On Mon, Jul 16, 2012 at 4:03 PM, Yun Shi <yunshi09.gmail.com> wrote:
> So what does "idiv" stands for (sorry I did not find this in manual)?
idiv is the dividing factor for the barrier height. Think of it as the
'multiplicity' of the dihedral (i.e., how many times that dihedral appears).
As a simple example, think of ethane, and the one dihedral in that system
(namely the one around the C-C bond). What you could envision doing is
calculating the potential energy surface around that dihedral using quantum
mechanics and using the force field with just the 1-4 non-bonded
interactions defining the potential (that is, we haven't yet added a
dihedral term). We can fit dihedral terms to that difference to get our
required barrier height, phase, periodicity, etc.
However, there is a detail you need to account for here. You have the
necessary term(s) for the entire dihedral, but LEaP will recognize 9 such
dihedrals! Each C has 3 hydrogen atoms, so LEaP will define 9 distinct
dihedrals ALL matching H-C-C-H involving rotation around that one C-C bond.
Therefore, you have to divide the barrier height by 9 when you add each
dihedral together. As a general rule, you can always set idiv=1 as long as
you divide the barrier height appropriately (indeed, when extracting
parameters from a topology file, this is the only way you can present the
data), but this mechanism is in place to help FF developers, I imagine.
Why not just use pk/idiv as the pk value in amber ff?
Hopefully answered above.
Jason M. Swails
Quantum Theory Project,
University of Florida
Ph.D. Candidate
AMBER mailing list
Received on Mon Jul 16 2012 - 14:00:03 PDT