[AMBER] valence not found for for [Na+ ]

From: Mahendra B Thapa <thapamb.mail.uc.edu>
Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2012 15:41:26 -0400

Dear AMBER users

               I am using AMBER 12 with force field ff12SB. I have used the
following command to strip water molecules from "concat_2to11pdbfiles.pdb"
[ which is obtained by combining production run mdcrd files and then
converting to pdb format]
*cpptraj -i ptraj_script2to11concatPDB_stripWATER -p protein_sol.prmtop*

where, the input file"ptraj_script2to11concatPDB_stripWATER" contains the
following script:

trajin concat_2to11pdbfiles.pdb

strip :WAT

trajout concat_2to11pdbfilesSTRIPwater_sol.pdb pdb
"protein_sol.prmtop" is the parameter-topology file[ which has been also
used in the production run.]

The output file "concat_2to11pdbfilesSTRIPwater_sol.pdb" does not have
water molecules , but the following messages are seen in the screen :
Warning: Valence not found for for [Na+ ], using max valence (7)
Let me help to understand what it stands for. I had used Na-atom to
neutralise in leap process.

Mahendra Thapa
University of Cincinnati
AMBER mailing list
Received on Mon Jun 25 2012 - 13:00:02 PDT
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