[AMBER] hydrogen bond analysis

From: Urszula Uciechowska <urszula.uciechowska.chem.umu.se>
Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2012 13:48:55 +0200

Dear amber users,

I am trying to use the hbond analysis and determine the possible
 hydrogen bonds between protein and ligand M34.
I try defining the acceptor:

 #Terminal residues have different atom names
donor mask .OXT
acceptor mask :18.N1.M34:19.H7.M34
acceptor mask :22.N2.M34:23.H8.M34
acceptor mask :26.N4.M34:28.H2.M34
acceptor mask :26.N4.M34:27.H9.M34

after executing this line it does not seem to detect the atoms and says

WARNING in ptraj, acceptor: Error in mask specification. Ignoring...

What is wrong here?

thank you for any advices

best regards
Urszula Uciechowska
AMBER mailing list
Received on Fri Jun 22 2012 - 05:00:03 PDT
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