xlf(1) IBM XL Fortran for Linux, V13.1 xlf(1) NNAAMMEE xlf, xlf_r, f77, fort77, xlf90, xlf90_r, f90, xlf95, xlf95_r, f95, xlf2003, xlf2003_r, f2003 - invoke the IBM XL Fortran compiler. SSYYNNTTAAXX _<_i_n_v_o_c_a_t_i_o_n_-_c_o_m_m_a_n_d_> [[ _<_o_p_t_i_o_n_> || _<_i_n_p_u_t_f_i_l_e_> ]] ...... DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN The invocation commands compile Fortran source files. The commands and their recommended usages are described below. Invocations Usage (supported standards) _________________________________________________________ xlf, xlf_r, f77, Compile FORTRAN 77 source fort77 files. xlf90, xlf90_r, f90 Compile Fortran 90 source files. xlf95, xlf95_r, f95 Compile Fortran 95 source files. xlf2003, xlf2003_r, Compile Fortran 2003 source f2003 files. The main difference between these commands is that they use different default options (which are set in the configuration file /opt/ibmcmp/xlf/13.1/etc/xlf.cfg). See the Compiler Reference for more information on these invocation commands. All invocations with a suffix of __rr allow for thread-safe compilation. Use these commands to create threaded applications or to link programs that use multi-threading. These commands also process assembler source files and object files. The compiler calls the link editor to produce a single executable unless you specify the compiler options that prevent object files from being linked. The input file may have any of the following suffixes: .f, .f77, .f90, .f95, Fortran source file .f03 .o or .a Object file for ld command .s Assembler source file .so Shared object file .F, .F77, .F90, .F95, Fortran source file .F03 with cpp preprocessor directives OOPPTTIIOONNSS Compiler options are categorized by their functions and may be used to set the compiler behavior. Options can be flag options or keyword options. Keyword options are specified in one of the following ways: -q