[AMBER] inconsistent results in MMPBSA w/o energy decomposition

From: Victor Ma <victordsmagift.gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 8 May 2012 13:29:53 -0500

hi all

I'm using Amber 11 and Ambertool 1.5. I noticed that my binding free energy
calculated from MMPBSA is different when I'm doing pb energy decomposition
or not. (This does not happen with gb) I further compared each energy terms
and found out that what makes the difference here is the "EPB" term
particularly for the receptor and complex.
I'm using ff10 and I added the old param for the Mg since I have that in
the system. This is the input I used for energy decomposition.
   startframe=1601, endframe=2000, interval=2,
  idecomp=3, dec_verbose=1, print_res="3; 20-21; 23-27; 71-74; 85-87; 97;

I suspect it's the Mg but then gb calculations were fine. Any idea? Thanks.

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Received on Tue May 08 2012 - 12:00:03 PDT
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