adpdb 1A4H_gelda.pdb Loading PDB file: ./1A4H_gelda.pdb -- residue 215: duplicate [C] atoms (total 29) -- residue 215: duplicate [H] atoms (total 40) -- residue 215: duplicate [N] atoms (total 2) -- residue 215: duplicate [O] atoms (total 9) Warning: Atom names in each residue should be unique. (Same-name atoms are handled by using the first occurrence and by ignoring the rest. Frequently duplicate atom names stem from alternate conformations in the PDB file.) Created a new atom named: H within residue: .R Added missing heavy atom: .R.A Added missing heavy atom: .R.A Added missing heavy atom: .R.A Created a new atom named: HD1 within residue: .R Added missing heavy atom: .R.A Added missing heavy atom: .R.A Added missing heavy atom: .R.A Added missing heavy atom: .R.A Added missing heavy atom: .R.A Added missing heavy atom: .R.A Added missing heavy atom: .R.A Added missing heavy atom: .R.A Added missing heavy atom: .R.A Added missing heavy atom: .R.A Added missing heavy atom: .R.A Added missing heavy atom: .R.A Added missing heavy atom: .R.A Added missing heavy atom: .R.A Added missing heavy atom: .R.A Added missing heavy atom: .R.A Added missing heavy atom: .R.A Added missing heavy atom: .R.A Added missing heavy atom: .R.A Added missing heavy atom: .R.A Added missing heavy atom: .R.A Added missing heavy atom: .R.A Added missing heavy atom: .R.A Added missing heavy atom: .R.A Added missing heavy atom: .R.A Added missing heavy atom: .R.A Added missing heavy atom: .R.A Added missing heavy atom: .R.A Added missing heavy atom: .R.A Added missing heavy atom: .R.A Added missing heavy atom: .R.A Added missing heavy atom: .R.A Added missing heavy atom: .R.A Added missing heavy atom: .R.A Added missing heavy atom: .R.A Added missing heavy atom: .R.A Added missing heavy atom: .R.A Added missing heavy atom: .R.A total atoms in file: 2154 Leap added 1432 missing atoms according to residue templates: 41 Heavy 1391 H / lone pairs The file contained 2 atoms not in residue templates