[AMBER] mm_pbsa error: Flag "RADII" not found in PARM file

From: g t <sketchfoot.gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 29 Feb 2012 12:32:06 +0000


I am trying to run an mmpbsa calculation using the perl script. I have
created the input topology files for complex, ligand and receptor. However
upon submission the job does not complete properly. The error I have been
able to find is in the file X_ThX_Complex_com.pdb.1:

ERROR: Flag "RADII" not found in PARM file

If I load my parm files into ptraj i also get the following errors related
to the generalised born intrinsic dielectric radii:

 PRMTOP does not contain %FLAG RADIUS_SET
 PRMTOP does not contain %FLAG RADII
 PRMTOP does not contain %FLAG SCREEN

The following is an example set-up file I use to create the parm files. Is
there a command I am missing that sets the radii?

source leaprc.gaff
source leaprc.ff03.r1
loadoff all_aminoct02.lib
loadoff ${dirNo}_final.lib
mol = loadpdb ${dirNo}_complex_unsolvated.pdb
bond mol.64.SG mol.157.SG
solvatebox mol TIP3PBOX 10.0
charge mol
#addions2 mol K+ 14.0
#savepdb mol ${dirNo}_complex_SOLVATED.pdb
saveamberparm mol dehydrated2a_${dirNo}.parm dehydrated2a_${dirNo}.crd
(i later use rdparm to strip out the water molecules to create the
dehydrated complex)

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Best regards,
AMBER mailing list
Received on Wed Feb 29 2012 - 05:00:01 PST
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