On Fri, Nov 25, 2011, Jio M wrote:
> This is due to the fact that my prmtop file has charge upto 4 decimal
> place only (that is 7.15589721E+00 / 18.2223 = 0.3927)Â
> But actually I saved prmtop (saveamberparm) from some library file
> having charges upto six decimal places (actual charge in library file
> 0.392726). So prmtop is saved to give me charge upto four decimal
> (7.15589721E+00 / 18.2223 = 0.3927). Actually it should give 7.15637099
> in prmtop file so that 7.15637099 / 18.2223 = 0.392726
Can you post the library file and tleap commands you used to create the prmtop
file? As I understand your email, the problem is there, and not in the
top2mol2 program.
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Received on Mon Nov 28 2011 - 07:00:05 PST