Re: [AMBER] global build; was: Passing the free-format flag to files in sander and nmode

From: Michael Sternberg <>
Date: Fri, 11 Nov 2011 09:42:36 -0600

On Nov 10, 2011, at 7:17 , case wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 10, 2011, Michael Sternberg wrote:
>> Here's a snippet from my build script. Are you saying I need to re-run
>> right before step (4)?
> Yes: you must run after each run of configure. I think
> that Jason may be preparing a patch to the configure script that will make that
> happen automagically.

I am happy to report almost complete install success for Amber11 + AT1.5 (except for 2.5% of test failures, to be traced) on my platform:

        $ cat /etc/redhat-release
        CentOS release 5.6 (Final)

        $ gmake --version
        GNU Make 3.81
        Copyright (C) 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

        $ ifort --version
        ifort (IFORT) 11.1 20100806
        Copyright (C) 1985-2010 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.

Moral: It would be really helpful for newcomers to deinterlace the installation instructions between Amber and AmberTools. They may be two different packages in scope and for some sort of administrative or legal reason, but they are intimately linked at the installation step. It has been a matter of trial and error for me to figure out when and where to apply "make clean", apply the .py patch file, and in what order to compile the parallel bits (all of AmberTools first, then all of Amber, OR all serial first then all parallel?).

I use the script below to build and test all components, {Amber,AmberTools}-{serial,parallel}. For clarity, the directories involved are as follows:

        /home/share/soft/amber/EMBODY build script

        /home/share/soft/amber/dist/ holds .tar and patches
        /home/share/soft/amber/orig/amber11/ untarred Amber and AmberTools
        /home/share/soft/amber/patched/amber11/ copied from orig/ and patched

        /home/share/soft/amber/embody-11.0-5/ build and test logs
        /opt/soft/amber-11.0-5 final installation (bin, lib, ...)
        /opt/soft/modulefiles/amber Environment Modules

        $ grep -c PASSED embody-11.0-5/test.log
        $ grep -c FAILURE: embody-11.0-5/test.log

BTW, the EMBODY script works with my build tool . The tool calls user-defined (or default) functions stage_<name>(), providing the necessary variables and directories. The output of all stages is logged.

With best regards,

# $Id: EMBODY,v 1.4 2011/11/10 20:54:31 stern Exp stern $
# Amber/AmberTools
# Note: does not support --prefix=<dir> Workaround: treat the src tree as
# installable and compile therein.


# package versions


# buff up Amber build scripts after AmberTools compiled.

module unload mkl
module load mkl/10.3.7

module unload openmpi
module load openmpi/1.4.4-intel11-1

module load embody
source libembody

# compilation settings
export AMBERHOME=$prefix

        AMBER refers to two things: a set of molecular mechanical force fields
        for the simulation of biomolecules (which are in the public domain, and
        are used in a variety of simulation programs); and a package of
        molecular simulation programs which includes source code and demos.
        This is the AMBER code, version $VERSION, which is distributed by UCSF
        subject to a licensing agreement.
        conflict $NAME
        prepend-path MANPATH \$prefix/AmberTools/man
        setenv AMBERHOME \$prefix

stage_distclean () {
    # Rededicated stage to wipe and recreate source tree from tar and patches.

    # unpack a clean distribution locally, and prepare a patch base
    rm -rf orig patched
    mkdir -p orig patched 2> /dev/null

    # fetch patches
        cd dist
        wget -N$VERSION/apply_bugfix.x
        chmod +x ./apply_bugfix.x

    gtar -C orig -jxvf dist/$AMBER_DIST
    gtar -C orig -jxvf dist/$AMBERTOOLS_DIST
    rsync --delete -SHavi orig/ patched/

    # apply patches; temporarily redirect AMBERHOME
    cd patched/$AMBER_ROOT
    patch -p0 -N < $build_root/dist/$AMBERTOOLS_PATCHES_ALL
    AMBERHOME=$PWD $build_root/dist/apply_bugfix.x $build_root/dist/$AMBER_PATCHES_ALL
    # Which one comes first? Either way, we get:
    # 13 out of 13 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file AmberTools/src/configure.rej

    # remove droppings
    rm amber_bugfix*.txt

    # The build step originally failed because MKL arch dir "em64t" is
    # incorrect; FIX to make it "intel64":
    find . -type f ! -name \*.orig -print0 \
        | xargs -0 grep -l lib/em64t \
        | xargs perl -i.orig -pe 's,lib/em64t,lib/intel64,g'

    ## Heisenbug - disappeared on re-creation attempt.
    #patch -p0 -N < $build_root/freeform.patch

    # cleanup for binary installation
    rm GNU_Lesser_Public_License README

stage_prep () {
    # This stage best run from the host serving /opt (mgmt01). Rededicated
    # stage to merely mirror the patched source tree into the install dir.

    cd patched/$AMBER_ROOT

    rsync -SHavi \
        --omit-dir-times \
        --include='*/*/test' \
        --exclude=\*.{orig,rej} \
        --exclude={test,benchmarks} \
        --exclude=$DEBURR_AMBER \
        --delete-excluded \
        ./ \

    ln -snf $PWD/{test,benchmarks} $prefix
    ln -snf $PWD/AmberTools/{test,benchmarks} $prefix/AmberTools

stage_build () {
    # Moved all native AmberTools/Amber steps here, including configure steps.

    # (1) AmberTools, serial
    cd $prefix/AmberTools/src
    ./configure intel
    cp -p config.h $build_root/$embody_logdir/config.h.serial # preserve
    make install

    # (2) Amber main, serial
    # But first apply AmberTools patch.
    cd $prefix
    python $build_root/patched/$AMBER_ROOT/$DEBURR_AMBER

    cd $prefix/src
    make serial

    # (3) AmberTools, parallel
    # First, give access to newly provided byacc (and whatever else).
    export PATH=$prefix/bin:$PATH

    cd $prefix/AmberTools/src
    make clean
    ./configure -mpi intel
    cp -p config.h $build_root/$embody_logdir/config.h.parallel # preserve
    make install

    # (4) Amber main, parallel
    # config.h is still good, but need to patch again.
    cd $prefix
    python $build_root/patched/$AMBER_ROOT/$DEBURR_AMBER

    cd $prefix/src
    make clean
    make parallel

stage_test () {
    # AmberTools testbed
    mkdir -p $dir

    rsync -SHavi \
        --omit-dir-times \
        --delete \
        patched/$AMBER_ROOT/AmberTools/test/ \

    ln -s $prefix/{bin,dat,include,lib,share,src} \

    ln -s $prefix/AmberTools/{bin,include,lib,share,src} \

    make -C $dir test
    DO_PARALLEL='mpirun -np 4 -mca btl self,tcp' \
        make -C $dir test.parallel

    # Amber testbed
    mkdir -p $dir

    rsync -SHavi \
        --omit-dir-times \
        --delete \
        patched/$AMBER_ROOT/test/ \

    ln -s $prefix/{bin,exe,dat,include,lib,share,src} \

    make -C $dir test
    DO_PARALLEL='mpirun -np 4 -mca btl self,tcp' \
        make -C $dir test.parallel

stage_install () {
    # no steps necessary, except perhaps a definitive compile-freeze.
    cd $prefix
    #rm -rf {.,AmberTools}/{src,test,benchmarks}

stage_clean () {
    make -C $prefix/AmberTools/src clean
    make -C $prefix/src clean


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Received on Fri Nov 11 2011 - 08:00:02 PST
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