| MDOUT: prod4.out |INPCRD: prod3.rst | PARM: protein_wat.parm7 |RESTRT: prod4.rst | REFC: refc | MDVEL: mdvel | MDEN: mden | MDCRD: prod4.crd |MDINFO: mdinfo |INPDIP: inpdip |RSTDIP: rstdip Here is the input file: Constant pressure constant temperature equilibration stage 2 &cntrl imin = 0, irest = 1, ntx=7, ntb=2, ntp = 1, taup = 2.0, cut = 10, ig = 209822, ntc = 2, ntf = 2, tempi = 300, temp0 = 300, ntt = 3, gamma_ln = 1.0, nstlim =25000000, dt = 0.002, ntpr =2500, ntwx = 2500, ntwr = 5000 / -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. RESOURCE USE: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Flags: MPI getting new box info from bottom of inpcrd | INFO: Old style inpcrd file read