#!/bin/tcsh # Instructions for new Lightningsmp Cluster users: # To use this script: # 1) Save this script as a file named myscript on Lightningsmp.its # 2) On lightningsmp, Issue # qsub myscript to submit the job # Use qstat -a to see job status, # Use qdel jobname to delete one of your jobs # jobnames are of the form 1234.hpc4smp ########################################### # Output goes to file BATCH_OUTPUT. # Error output goes to file BATCH_ERRORS. # If you want the output to go to another file, change BATCH_OUTPUT # or BATCH_ERRORS in the following lines to the full path of that file. #PBS -o BATCH_OUTPUT #PBS -e BATCH_ERRORS #PBS -lvmem=64GB,pmem=4Gb,mem=128Gb,nodes=2:ppn=16:ib,cput=768:00:00,walltime=24:00:00 # Change to directory from which qsub command was issued cd /work/chem_eng3/erkelly/TUTself/PRODhateyou mpirun -np 32 $AMBERHOME/exe/sander.MPI -O -i prod.in -p 3OGP.prmtop -c 3OGP_equil.rst -o 3OGP_prod.out -r 3OGP_prod.rst -x 3OGP_prod.mdcrd