MD 1ns &cntrl ntc=2, !Shake Alg. ntf=2, !Force evaluation, bond H omitted cut=300, !Non bonded cutoff igb=1, ! GB gbsa=1, !GBSA with hydrophobic effects ntpr=5000, !print intermediate results every ntwx=5000, !write every ntwr=5000, !write restart every nstlim = 500000, !step (1ns) dt=0.002, !timestep ntt=1, !Constant T using the weak coupling temp0=300.0, !T tautp=2.0, !time costant(ps) for bath coupling ntx=5, !read initial coordinate and velocities irest=1, !Read the vlocities to resume the simulation ntb=0, ! NO PBC nscm = 5000, !remove Tr/rot dt /