Dear Massimiliano,
I have used R to read in the PairwiseDistance matrix. Here is a code snippet (num is the number of snapshots contained in the distance matrix):
# get command line arguments
args <- commandArgs()
num <- as.integer(args[4]) # number of snapshots
# read in binary data
data = file("PairwiseDistances", "rb")
vals = readBin(data, numeric(),size=4, n=num*num) # float has 4 bytes in C
# to matrix
m <- matrix(vals,ncol=num)
Hope this is useful,
----- Ursprüngliche Mail -----
| Dear all,
| I would like to perform a principal coordinates (not components)
| analysis,
| using as similarity matrix the RMSD pairwise distances.
| Is there any procedure I could use within Amber software?
| I know that the clusters analysis produces the above RMSD distances
| matrix in a file called PairwiseDistances, but it is not in ascii
| format.
| If there is no procedure to accomplish the principal coordinates
| analysis
| I might diagonalize this matrix to find eigenvectors/eigenvalues and
| then
| project the configurations onto the space of the first two
| eigenvectors.
| But, in this case, I need to know the format of this PairwiseDistances
| file in order
| to use it as a input.
| Any hint would be truly appreciated.
| Best regards,
| MP
| --
| Dr Massimiliano Porrini
| P. E. Barran Research Group
| Institute for Condensed Matter and Complex Systems
| School of Physics & Astronomy
| The University of Edinburgh
| James Clerk Maxwell Building
| The King's Buildings
| Mayfield Road
| Edinburgh EH9 3JZ
| Tel +44-(0)131-650-5229
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Received on Thu Feb 24 2011 - 04:30:12 PST