From: Jagur Lambix <jagurlambix.yahoo.com>
Date: Fri, 4 Feb 2011 15:39:09 -0800 (PST)

Dear AMBER users,

I am calculating the binding free energy of a complexed protein-ligand system
using binding_energy.mmpbsa (from AMBER tutorial) .

The snapshots seem to be extracted correctly with appropriate box information in
the log file.
However while calculating the binding energy with the command below, it shows
the following message:
/usr/apps/amber10/exe/mm_pbsa.pl binding_energy.mmpbsa > binding_energy.log

        /usr/apps/amber10//exe/ambpdb -p
/data/Making_TOP-files/apo-gas-protonated.top <
/data/EXTR_CRD/snapshot_rec.crd.1 > tmp.pdb 2> /dev/null not successful

Also the tmp.pdb file generated has the message like
Unit 10 Error on OPEN: /data/Making_TOP-files/apo-gas-prot

I understand that, the system is not recognizing the apo-gas-protonated.top file
from its mentioned path. However I checked the file path and also the top file,
which seems to be fine. I couldn't understand what is going wrong here.

FYI, I have copied the contents of binding_energy.log file in this text. please
check it below.

=>> Init data
    Presuming executables of amber suite to be in /usr/apps/amber10//exe

=>> Reading input parameters
    Found PREFIX => snapshot
    Found PATH => /data/EXTR_CRD
    Found COMPLEX => 1
    Found RECEPTOR => 1
    Found LIGAND => 1
    Found COMPT => /data/COM-prot-gas-Noions.top
    Found RECPT => /data/Making_TOP-files/apo-gas-protonated.top
    Found LIGPT => /data/Making_TOP-files/LIG-only-gas.top
    Found GC => 0
    Found AS => 0
    Found DC => 0
    Found MM => 1
    Found GB => 1
    Found PB => 1
    Found MS => 1
    Found NM => 0
    Found PROC => 2
    Found REFE => 0
    Found INDI => 1.0
    Found EXDI => 80.0
    Found SCALE => 2
    Found LINIT => 1000
    Found PRBRAD => 1.4
    Found ISTRNG => 0.0
    Found RADIOPT => 0
    Found NPOPT => 1
    Found CAVITY_SURFTEN => 0.00542
    Found CAVITY_OFFSET => 0.92
    Found SURFTEN => 0.00542
    Found SURFOFF => 0.92
    Found DIELC => 1.0
    Found IGB => 2
    Found GBSA => 1
    Found SALTCON => 0.00
    Found EXTDIEL => 80.0
    Found INTDIEL => 1.0
    Found SURFTEN => 0.00542
    Found SURFOFF => 0.92
    Found PROBE => 0.0
=>> Checking sanity
    Checking GENERAL
    Setting START to default 1
    Setting STOP to default 10e10
    Setting OFFSET to default 1
    Setting VERBOSE to default 0
    Checking MM
    Checking PB
    Checking GB
    Checking MS
=>> Creating input
        Calc MS
    Calc contrib for /data/EXTR_CRD/snapshot_com.crd.1
        Calc MM/GB/SAS
        Generate PDB
        Center PDB
        Calc PBSA
        Generate PQR
        Calc MS
    Calc contrib for /data/EXTR_CRD/snapshot_com.crd.50
        Calc MM/GB/SAS
        Generate PDB
        Center PDB
        Calc PBSA
        Generate PQR
        Calc MS
   Calc contrib for /data/EXTR_CRD/snapshot_rec.crd.1
        Calc MM/GB/SAS
        Generate PDB

It seems from the log file that the script is running fine for the complex , but
while calculating for the individual receptor, it is failed.

Can anyone suggest me how to overcome this problem.


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Received on Fri Feb 04 2011 - 16:00:05 PST
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