Re: [AMBER] NaN error in .rst files

From: Ross Walker <>
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2011 08:45:07 -0800

Hi Marek,

Can you please send me the exact input files for the run that reproduces the
error you see. Specifically the one that sets the ig value to the setting
that causes the issue. My suspicion is, given this is reproducible, that
something is going crazy in the random number generator. I assume these are
all ntt=3 runs.

Can you also include the exact nvcc compiler version, driver version, card
specs (deviceQuery will give this, since I need bios revision etc) as well
as the exact compiler and version you used to build pmemd.cuda, for example
the gcc / gfortran version numbers.

The interesting thing will be if this problem is reproducible on an
identical system to the one you see it on. I.e. the exact same model card,
driver, compiler versions etc. If it is then we can make progress pretty
quickly to fix it. If it isn't then well errrr.... ugh...

All the best

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Marek Maly []
> Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2011 8:23 AM
> To: AMBER Mailing List
> Subject: Re: [AMBER] NaN error in .rst files
> Hello All,
> it seems that the error is reproducible as indicated
> Peker sooner - see data below (the verification test was done on the same
> machine as the original one, with the same random seed) (although that
> restarted simulation with ig=-1
> helped here to continue simulation from the critical point, but of course,
> this is not the systematic solution and the given error might occure also
> in
> future of this run ...).
> So now I will try to verify this error
> #1 - on another machine (again with GTX 470)
> #2 - on TESLA C2050, unfortunately here I have no bugfix 12 applied, but
> box is not small ( 106.2227312 106.2227312 106.2227312 109.4712190
> 109.4712190 109.4712190 ) so
> there shouldn.t be problems with 10 A cutoff or am I wrong ?. Anyway I can
> later recompile with the
> bugfix 12 as well.
> #3
> on CPUs which can also help to find out the source of the error.
> When I have some results I will post them here.
> Best wishes,
> Marek
> ############### ORIGINAL RUN ##########################
> ############### ORIGINAL RUN ##########################
> ############### ORIGINAL RUN ##########################
> ############### ORIGINAL RUN ##########################
> ############### ORIGINAL RUN ##########################
> -------------------------------------------------------
> Amber 11 SANDER 2010
> -------------------------------------------------------
> | PMEMD implementation of SANDER, Release 11
> | Run on 01/24/2011 at 00:12:00
> [-O]verwriting output
> File Assignments:
> | MDIN:
> | MDOUT: equil8_G4malTRI_10BIL.out
> | INPCRD: equil7_G4malTRI_10BIL.rst
> | PARM: G4malTRI_10BIL.prmtop
> | RESTRT: equil8_G4malTRI_10BIL.rst
> | REFC: refc
> | MDVEL: mdvel
> | MDEN: mden
> | MDCRD: equil8_G4malTRI_10BIL.mdcrd
> | MDINFO: mdinfo
> Here is the input file:
> heat ras-raf
> &cntrl
> imin=0,irest=1,ntx=5,
> nstlim=250000,dt=0.002,
> ntc=2,ntf=2,
> cut=10.0, ntb=2, ntp=1, taup=1.0,
> ntpr=5000, ntwx=5000,
> ntt=3, gamma_ln=2.0, ig=-1,
> temp0=298,
> /
> |--------------------- INFORMATION ----------------------
> | GPU (CUDA) Version of PMEMD in use: NVIDIA GPU IN USE.
> | Version 2.1
> |
> | 12/20/2010
> |
> |
> | Implementation by:
> | Ross C. Walker (SDSC)
> | Scott Le Grand (nVIDIA)
> | Duncan Poole (nVIDIA)
> |
> | CAUTION: The CUDA code is currently experimental.
> | You use it at your own risk. Be sure to
> | check ALL results carefully.
> |
> | Precision model in use:
> | [SPDP] - Hybrid Single/Double Precision (Default).
> |
> |--------------------------------------------------------
> |------------------- GPU DEVICE INFO --------------------
> |
> | CUDA Capable Devices Detected: 1
> | CUDA Device ID in use: 0
> | CUDA Device Name: GeForce GTX 470
> | CUDA Device Global Mem Size: 1279 MB
> | CUDA Device Num Multiprocessors: 14
> | CUDA Device Core Freq: 1.22 GHz
> |
> |--------------------------------------------------------
> | Conditional Compilation Defines Used:
> | CUDA
> | Largest sphere to fit in unit cell has radius = 43.365
> | New format PARM file being parsed.
> | Version = 1.000 Date = 01/21/11 Time = 18:45:59
> | Note: 1-4 EEL scale factors were NOT found in the topology file.
> | Using default value of 1.2.
> | Note: 1-4 VDW scale factors were NOT found in the topology file.
> | Using default value of 2.0.
> | Duplicated 0 dihedrals
> | Duplicated 0 dihedrals
>     1.  RESOURCE   USE:
>   getting new box info from bottom of inpcrd
>   NATOM  =   92246 NTYPES =      16 NBONH =   89280 MBONA  =    2945
>   NTHETH =    6302 MTHETA =    4240 NPHIH =   11120 MPHIA  =    8029
>   NHPARM =       0 NPARM  =       0 NNB   =  147846 NRES   =   29261
>   NBONA  =    2945 NTHETA =    4240 NPHIA =    8029 NUMBND =      33
>   NUMANG =      67 NPTRA  =      38 NATYP =      25 NPHB   =       1
>   IFBOX  =       2 NMXRS  =      77 IFCAP =       0 NEXTRA =       0
>   NCOPY  =       0
> | Coordinate Index Table dimensions:    17   17   17
> | Direct force subcell size =     6.2484    6.2484    6.2484
> General flags:
>       imin    =       0, nmropt  =       0
> Nature and format of input:
>       ntx     =       5, irest   =       1, ntrx    =       1
> Nature and format of output:
>       ntxo    =       1, ntpr    =    5000, ntrx    =       1, ntwr
> =     500
>       iwrap   =       0, ntwx    =    5000, ntwv    =       0, ntwe
> =       0
>       ioutfm  =       0, ntwprt  =       0, idecomp =       0,
> rbornstat=      0
> Potential function:
>       ntf     =       2, ntb     =       2, igb     =       0, nsnb
> =      25
>       ipol    =       0, gbsa    =       0, iesp    =       0
>       dielc   =   1.00000, cut     =  10.00000, intdiel =   1.00000
> Frozen or restrained atoms:
>       ibelly  =       0, ntr     =       0
> Molecular dynamics:
>       nstlim  =    250000, nscm    =      1000, nrespa  =         1
>       t       =   0.00000, dt      =   0.00200, vlimit  =  -1.00000
> Langevin dynamics temperature regulation:
>       ig      =  676075
>       temp0   = 298.00000, tempi   =   0.00000, gamma_ln=   2.00000
> Pressure regulation:
>       ntp     =       1
>       pres0   =   1.00000, comp    =  44.60000, taup    =   1.00000
>       ntc     =       2, jfastw  =       0
>       tol     =   0.00001
> | Intermolecular bonds treatment:
> |     no_intermolecular_bonds =       1
> | Energy averages sample interval:
> |     ene_avg_sampling =    5000
> Ewald parameters:
>       verbose =       0, ew_type =       0, nbflag  =       1, use_pme
> =       1
>       vdwmeth =       1, eedmeth =       1, netfrc  =       1
>       Box X =  106.223   Box Y =  106.223   Box Z =  106.223
>       Alpha =  109.471   Beta  =  109.471   Gamma =  109.471
>       NFFT1 =  108       NFFT2 =  108       NFFT3 =  108
>       Cutoff=   10.000   Tol   =0.100E-04
>       Ewald Coefficient =  0.27511
>       Interpolation order =    4
>   begin time read from input coords =  3700.000 ps
>   Number of triangulated 3-point waters found:    28820
>       Sum of charges from parm topology file =  -0.00266701
>       Forcing neutrality...
> | Dynamic Memory, Types Used:
> | Reals             2846082
> | Integers          2613755
> | Nonbonded Pairs Initial Allocation:    27902108
> | GPU memory information:
> | KB of GPU memory in use:    876823
> | KB of CPU memory in use:     77099
>     4.  RESULTS
>   ---------------------------------------------------
>   APPROXIMATING switch and d/dx switch using CUBIC SPLINE
>   using   5000.0 points per unit in tabled values
>   TESTING RELATIVE ERROR over r ranging from 0.0 to cutoff
> | CHECK switch(x): max rel err =   0.2738E-14   at   2.422500
> | CHECK d/dx switch(x): max rel err =   0.8314E-11   at   2.736960
>   ---------------------------------------------------
> |---------------------------------------------------
> |  with   50.0 points per unit in tabled values
> | Relative Error Limit not exceeded for r .gt.   2.33
> |  with   50.0 points per unit in tabled values
> | Relative Error Limit not exceeded for r .gt.   2.80
> |---------------------------------------------------
>   NSTEP =     5000   TIME(PS) =    3710.000  TEMP(K) =   298.54  PRESS =
> 19.7
>   Etot   =   -208138.5945  EKtot   =     55606.0703  EPtot      =
> -263744.6648
>   BOND   =     12770.3337  ANGLE   =      5327.0090  DIHED      =
> 1796.1712
>   1-4 NB =      1220.6297  1-4 EEL =     32614.9838  VDWAALS    =
> 44968.0029
>   EELEC  =   -362441.7951  EHBOND  =         0.0000  RESTRAINT  =
> 0.0000
>   EKCMT  =     25890.2734  VIRIAL  =     25498.7611  VOLUME     =
> 920970.7237
>                                                      Density    =
> 1.0185
>   NSTEP =    10000   TIME(PS) =    3720.000  TEMP(K) =   296.22  PRESS =
> 73.8
>   Etot   =   -208072.6867  EKtot   =     55172.7422  EPtot      =
> -263245.4289
>   BOND   =     12797.2804  ANGLE   =      5280.3633  DIHED      =
> 1793.7009
>   1-4 NB =      1236.9252  1-4 EEL =     32530.0890  VDWAALS    =
> 45147.6190
>   EELEC  =   -362031.4066  EHBOND  =         0.0000  RESTRAINT  =
> 0.0000
>   EKCMT  =     25827.2976  VIRIAL  =     24357.5606  VOLUME     =
> 921836.9062
>                                                      Density    =
> 1.0176
>   NSTEP =    15000   TIME(PS) =    3730.000  TEMP(K) =   299.32  PRESS =
> 133.8
>   Etot   =   -207140.0864  EKtot   =     55750.0508  EPtot      =
> -262890.1372
>   BOND   =     12813.3463  ANGLE   =      5316.1231  DIHED      =
> 1777.2270
>   1-4 NB =      1214.8564  1-4 EEL =     32504.7227  VDWAALS    =
> 45134.9078
>   EELEC  =   -361651.3206  EHBOND  =         0.0000  RESTRAINT  =
> 0.0000
>   EKCMT  =     26061.3868  VIRIAL  =     23397.2429  VOLUME     =
> 922304.1794
>                                                      Density    =
> 1.0171
>   NSTEP =    20000   TIME(PS) =    3740.000  TEMP(K) =      NaN  PRESS
> =     NaN
>   Etot   =            NaN  EKtot   =            NaN  EPtot
> =            NaN
>   BOND   =         0.0000  ANGLE   =    795708.3759  DIHED      =
> 0.0000
>   1-4 NB =         0.0000  1-4 EEL =         0.0000  VDWAALS    =
> -1408.8764
>   EELEC  =            NaN  EHBOND  =         0.0000  RESTRAINT  =
> 0.0000
>   EKCMT  =         0.0000  VIRIAL  =            NaN  VOLUME
> =            NaN
>                                                      Density
> =            NaN
>   NSTEP =    25000   TIME(PS) =    3750.000  TEMP(K) =      NaN  PRESS
> =     NaN
>   Etot   =            NaN  EKtot   =            NaN  EPtot
> =            NaN
>   BOND   =         0.0000  ANGLE   =    795708.3759  DIHED      =
> 0.0000
>   1-4 NB =         0.0000  1-4 EEL =         0.0000  VDWAALS    =
> -1408.8764
>   EELEC  =            NaN  EHBOND  =         0.0000  RESTRAINT  =
> 0.0000
>   EKCMT  =         0.0000  VIRIAL  =            NaN  VOLUME
> =            NaN
>                                                      Density
> =            NaN
> ############### VERIFICATION RUN ######################
> ############### VERIFICATION RUN ######################
> ############### VERIFICATION RUN ######################
> ############### VERIFICATION RUN ######################
> ############### VERIFICATION RUN ######################
>            -------------------------------------------------------
>            Amber 11 SANDER                              2010
>            -------------------------------------------------------
> | PMEMD implementation of SANDER, Release 11
> | Run on 01/26/2011 at 15:38:33
>    [-O]verwriting output
> File Assignments:
> |   MDIN:
> |  MDOUT: equil8_G4malTRI_10BIL.out
> | INPCRD: equil7_G4malTRI_10BIL.rst
> |   PARM: G4malTRI_10BIL.prmtop
> | RESTRT: equil8_G4malTRI_10BIL.rst
> |   REFC: refc
> |  MDVEL: mdvel
> |   MDEN: mden
> |  MDCRD: equil8_G4malTRI_10BIL.mdcrd
> | MDINFO: mdinfo
>   Here is the input file:
> heat ras-raf
>   &cntrl
>    imin=0,irest=1,ntx=5,
>    nstlim=250000,dt=0.002,
>    ntc=2,ntf=2,
>    cut=10.0, ntb=2, ntp=1, taup=1.0,
>    ntpr=5000, ntwx=5000,
>    ntt=3, gamma_ln=2.0, ig=676075,
>      temp0=298,
>   /
> |--------------------- INFORMATION ----------------------
> | GPU (CUDA) Version of PMEMD in use: NVIDIA GPU IN USE.
> |                      Version 2.1
> |
> |                      12/20/2010
> |
> |
> | Implementation by:
> |                    Ross C. Walker     (SDSC)
> |                    Scott Le Grand     (nVIDIA)
> |                    Duncan Poole       (nVIDIA)
> |
> | CAUTION: The CUDA code is currently experimental.
> |          You use it at your own risk. Be sure to
> |          check ALL results carefully.
> |
> | Precision model in use:
> |      [SPDP] - Hybrid Single/Double Precision (Default).
> |
> |--------------------------------------------------------
> |------------------- GPU DEVICE INFO --------------------
> |
> |   CUDA Capable Devices Detected:      1
> |           CUDA Device ID in use:      0
> |                CUDA Device Name: GeForce GTX 470
> |     CUDA Device Global Mem Size:   1279 MB
> | CUDA Device Num Multiprocessors:     14
> |           CUDA Device Core Freq:   1.22 GHz
> |
> |--------------------------------------------------------
> | Conditional Compilation Defines Used:
> | CUDA
> | Largest sphere to fit in unit cell has radius =    43.365
> | New format PARM file being parsed.
> | Version =    1.000 Date = 01/21/11 Time = 18:45:59
> | Note: 1-4 EEL scale factors were NOT found in the topology file.
> |       Using default value of 1.2.
> | Note: 1-4 VDW scale factors were NOT found in the topology file.
> |       Using default value of 2.0.
> | Duplicated    0 dihedrals
> | Duplicated    0 dihedrals
>     1.  RESOURCE   USE:
>   getting new box info from bottom of inpcrd
>   NATOM  =   92246 NTYPES =      16 NBONH =   89280 MBONA  =    2945
>   NTHETH =    6302 MTHETA =    4240 NPHIH =   11120 MPHIA  =    8029
>   NHPARM =       0 NPARM  =       0 NNB   =  147846 NRES   =   29261
>   NBONA  =    2945 NTHETA =    4240 NPHIA =    8029 NUMBND =      33
>   NUMANG =      67 NPTRA  =      38 NATYP =      25 NPHB   =       1
>   IFBOX  =       2 NMXRS  =      77 IFCAP =       0 NEXTRA =       0
>   NCOPY  =       0
> | Coordinate Index Table dimensions:    17   17   17
> | Direct force subcell size =     6.2484    6.2484    6.2484
> General flags:
>       imin    =       0, nmropt  =       0
> Nature and format of input:
>       ntx     =       5, irest   =       1, ntrx    =       1
> Nature and format of output:
>       ntxo    =       1, ntpr    =    5000, ntrx    =       1, ntwr
> =     500
>       iwrap   =       0, ntwx    =    5000, ntwv    =       0, ntwe
> =       0
>       ioutfm  =       0, ntwprt  =       0, idecomp =       0,
> rbornstat=      0
> Potential function:
>       ntf     =       2, ntb     =       2, igb     =       0, nsnb
> =      25
>       ipol    =       0, gbsa    =       0, iesp    =       0
>       dielc   =   1.00000, cut     =  10.00000, intdiel =   1.00000
> Frozen or restrained atoms:
>       ibelly  =       0, ntr     =       0
> Molecular dynamics:
>       nstlim  =    250000, nscm    =      1000, nrespa  =         1
>       t       =   0.00000, dt      =   0.00200, vlimit  =  -1.00000
> Langevin dynamics temperature regulation:
>       ig      =  676075
>       temp0   = 298.00000, tempi   =   0.00000, gamma_ln=   2.00000
> Pressure regulation:
>       ntp     =       1
>       pres0   =   1.00000, comp    =  44.60000, taup    =   1.00000
>       ntc     =       2, jfastw  =       0
>       tol     =   0.00001
> | Intermolecular bonds treatment:
> |     no_intermolecular_bonds =       1
> | Energy averages sample interval:
> |     ene_avg_sampling =    5000
> Ewald parameters:
>       verbose =       0, ew_type =       0, nbflag  =       1, use_pme
> =       1
>       vdwmeth =       1, eedmeth =       1, netfrc  =       1
>       Box X =  106.223   Box Y =  106.223   Box Z =  106.223
>       Alpha =  109.471   Beta  =  109.471   Gamma =  109.471
>       NFFT1 =  108       NFFT2 =  108       NFFT3 =  108
>       Cutoff=   10.000   Tol   =0.100E-04
>       Ewald Coefficient =  0.27511
>       Interpolation order =    4
>   begin time read from input coords =  3700.000 ps
>   Number of triangulated 3-point waters found:    28820
>       Sum of charges from parm topology file =  -0.00266701
>       Forcing neutrality...
> | Dynamic Memory, Types Used:
> | Reals             2846082
> | Integers          2613755
> | Nonbonded Pairs Initial Allocation:    27902108
> | GPU memory information:
> | KB of GPU memory in use:    876823
> | KB of CPU memory in use:     77099
>     4.  RESULTS
>   ---------------------------------------------------
>   APPROXIMATING switch and d/dx switch using CUBIC SPLINE
>   using   5000.0 points per unit in tabled values
>   TESTING RELATIVE ERROR over r ranging from 0.0 to cutoff
> | CHECK switch(x): max rel err =   0.2738E-14   at   2.422500
> | CHECK d/dx switch(x): max rel err =   0.8314E-11   at   2.736960
>   ---------------------------------------------------
> |---------------------------------------------------
> |  with   50.0 points per unit in tabled values
> | Relative Error Limit not exceeded for r .gt.   2.33
> |  with   50.0 points per unit in tabled values
> | Relative Error Limit not exceeded for r .gt.   2.80
> |---------------------------------------------------
>   NSTEP =     5000   TIME(PS) =    3710.000  TEMP(K) =   298.54  PRESS =
> 19.7
>   Etot   =   -208138.5945  EKtot   =     55606.0703  EPtot      =
> -263744.6648
>   BOND   =     12770.3337  ANGLE   =      5327.0090  DIHED      =
> 1796.1712
>   1-4 NB =      1220.6297  1-4 EEL =     32614.9838  VDWAALS    =
> 44968.0029
>   EELEC  =   -362441.7951  EHBOND  =         0.0000  RESTRAINT  =
> 0.0000
>   EKCMT  =     25890.2734  VIRIAL  =     25498.7611  VOLUME     =
> 920970.7237
>                                                      Density    =
> 1.0185
>   NSTEP =    10000   TIME(PS) =    3720.000  TEMP(K) =   296.22  PRESS =
> 73.8
>   Etot   =   -208072.6867  EKtot   =     55172.7422  EPtot      =
> -263245.4289
>   BOND   =     12797.2804  ANGLE   =      5280.3633  DIHED      =
> 1793.7009
>   1-4 NB =      1236.9252  1-4 EEL =     32530.0890  VDWAALS    =
> 45147.6190
>   EELEC  =   -362031.4066  EHBOND  =         0.0000  RESTRAINT  =
> 0.0000
>   EKCMT  =     25827.2976  VIRIAL  =     24357.5606  VOLUME     =
> 921836.9062
>                                                      Density    =
> 1.0176
>   NSTEP =    15000   TIME(PS) =    3730.000  TEMP(K) =   299.32  PRESS =
> 133.8
>   Etot   =   -207140.0864  EKtot   =     55750.0508  EPtot      =
> -262890.1372
>   BOND   =     12813.3463  ANGLE   =      5316.1231  DIHED      =
> 1777.2270
>   1-4 NB =      1214.8564  1-4 EEL =     32504.7227  VDWAALS    =
> 45134.9078
>   EELEC  =   -361651.3206  EHBOND  =         0.0000  RESTRAINT  =
> 0.0000
>   EKCMT  =     26061.3868  VIRIAL  =     23397.2429  VOLUME     =
> 922304.1794
>                                                      Density    =
> 1.0171
>   NSTEP =    20000   TIME(PS) =    3740.000  TEMP(K) =      NaN  PRESS
> =     NaN
>   Etot   =            NaN  EKtot   =            NaN  EPtot
> =            NaN
>   BOND   =         0.0000  ANGLE   =    795708.3759  DIHED      =
> 0.0000
>   1-4 NB =         0.0000  1-4 EEL =         0.0000  VDWAALS    =
> -1408.8764
>   EELEC  =            NaN  EHBOND  =         0.0000  RESTRAINT  =
> 0.0000
>   EKCMT  =         0.0000  VIRIAL  =            NaN  VOLUME
> =            NaN
>                                                      Density
> =            NaN
>   NSTEP =    25000   TIME(PS) =    3750.000  TEMP(K) =      NaN  PRESS
> =     NaN
>   Etot   =            NaN  EKtot   =            NaN  EPtot
> =            NaN
>   BOND   =         0.0000  ANGLE   =    795708.3759  DIHED      =
> 0.0000
>   1-4 NB =         0.0000  1-4 EEL =         0.0000  VDWAALS    =
> -1408.8764
>   EELEC  =            NaN  EHBOND  =         0.0000  RESTRAINT  =
> 0.0000
>   EKCMT  =         0.0000  VIRIAL  =            NaN  VOLUME
> =            NaN
>                                                      Density
> =            NaN
> Dne Wed, 26 Jan 2011 15:04:16 +0100 case <>
> napsal/-a:
> > On Wed, Jan 26, 2011, Marek Maly wrote:
> >>
> >> I recently also obtained  NaN problem in one of my simulation using
> >> pmemd.cuda on GTX 470:
> >> see - relevant data below. Unfortunately it is unreproducable as I am
> >> using ig=-1.
> >
> > You *can* re-run things in this circumstance: pmemd will print out the
> > value
> > of the random seed that was actually used, and you can put that back
> > your input file.  This can be helpful to see if the problem is the same
> > every
> > time.
> >
> > ....dac
> >
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> >
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Received on Wed Jan 26 2011 - 09:00:04 PST
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