[AMBER] ptraj mask

From: Tyler Glembo <tglembo.asu.edu>
Date: Thu, 7 Oct 2010 22:50:00 -0700

Dear All,
I am trying to do an rms between only C_betas for all residues except for
GLY where I wish to choose C_alpha. My protein is 246 residues long and has
12 GLY at positions 19,39,40,55,etc. I tried both the following masks:

    ":GLY .CA | !:GLY .CB"

and also

.CB) & (:GLY .CA)"

However, the output that I get from ptraj is as follows:

    Atom selection follows :1-19.CA

It seems that ptraj is choosing C_alphas at all times, except if there is a
GLY, then it decides to count a C_beta at the end, and for some reason it
counts 18 C_betas between residues 179-197. Am I misreading the output or
perhaps not properly formating my mask string? Any help would be greatly

Tyler Glembo
AMBER mailing list
Received on Thu Oct 07 2010 - 23:00:05 PDT
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