What version of Amber or Ambertools are you running, and have you
applied all of the bugfixes?
On Saturday, September 18, 2010, Seibold, Stephen <Seibold79.stmary.edu> wrote:
> I am attempting to run tutorial #1 on DNA from the AMBER web site. Sanders seems to be running fine and out puts mdrcd files. However, when I try to measure the distance between two atoms, I get a "Warning in transformDistance():Blowing array; too many frames !!"
> I was getting this on my protein, but I wanted to make it very simple...I thought something might be wrong with my protein set up. But it appears not be related to my protein.
> My compilier is gcc version 4.4.0 andy my OS is Red Hat Enterprise linux client release 5.
> Can some help...I have been trying for a week to correct this without bothering the experts, but I am at my wits end.
> Thanks, Steve
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Daniel R. Roe
Postdoctoral Associate
SAS - Chemistry & Chemical Biology
610 Taylor Road
Piscataway, NJ 08854
AMBER mailing list
Received on Sat Sep 18 2010 - 15:30:05 PDT