I am running ptraj cluserting (average linkage) for MD trajectories (20 ns) of a
protein-ligand complex and
it has been running for more than 24 hours now, still not completed and the
present output at the
terminal is
The first pass through the trajectory is complete.
Calculating the PairwiseDistances
Writing Pairwise Distances to file "PairwiseDistances".
Clustering using the average linkage algorithm.
I am sure people have run such cluster analysis for even longer trajectories.
Can someone
suggest me how to approach this problem to make it quicker?
will it be OK? if I split the trajectories into a few groups and do analysis
within each group?
thanks in advance,
Senthil Natesan
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Received on Fri Sep 17 2010 - 08:00:19 PDT