On Mon, Jul 19, 2010, ros wrote:
> I tried the make test.cuda with the following errors:
> ros.cuda:/usr/local/amber11/test$ make test.cuda
> ./test_amber_cuda.sh
> [: 35: unexpected operator
> [: 42: unexpected operator
OK...I guess my workarounds for the above errors don't really work. You have
to get the test_amber_cuda.sh script to work somehow. Problem is, I don't
have a clue about why it is failing.
My first guess was that there was some bashism I couldn't see, so that
Ubuntu's /bin/sh was not working correctly. I suggested changing "bin/sh"
to "bin/bash" on the first line. It's not clear whether you tried that or
The other solution is to edit the code around lines 30-42 to set the correct
values; you would need to know a (very) little about shell scripting to do
It would be of interest to know if someone on the list has access to a 64-bit
version of Ubuntu 10.04, and can see if the "test_amber_cuda.sh" script
fails (in the manner shown above) for them as well.
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Received on Mon Jul 19 2010 - 13:00:03 PDT