My input file to the ptraj hbond suite looks like this:
ptraj file1.prmtop << EOF
donor mask :1-81.O
donor mask :1-81.N
donor ASP OD1
donor ASP OD2
donor GLU OD1
donor GLU OD2
acceptor LYS N H
acceptor SER OG HG
hbond distance 3.0 angle 120.0 donor acceptor includeself series hb out
When I run the script, the proper hb.out file is generated. I have a
couple of questions about this file.
What does the string of characters (e.g.
....*..**..*.............................) in the hydrogen bond printout
mean? I know that the characters ".,*,x,o,-, and ." refer to percentage
occupancy of the particular hydrogen bond. There are 46 such characters
at the end of the line that gives the hydrogen bonding data for two
H-bonded residues in the protein. Where did that number of 46 come from?
Also- the hydrogen bond printout has the following columns:
lifetime maxocc
17.6 ( 12.8) 47
14.0 ( 14.6) 53
What do these numbers mean?
John M. Beale, Jr., Ph,D.
Professor of Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacognosy
St. Louis College of Pharmacy
4588 Parkview Place
St. Louis, Missouri 63110
Cell: (314)-315-0409
FAX (314) 446-8460
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Received on Thu Jul 01 2010 - 04:30:09 PDT