Dear Amber users
I was trying to load mol2 files into tleap and xleap. However, tleap
and xleap crashed immediately after I typed "loadmol2 db2clean01.mol2"
with the following error output:
> loadmol2 db2clean01.mol2
Loading Mol2 file: ./db2clean01.mol2
Reading MOLECULE named UNK
/home/shih-di/bin/amber10/exe/tleap: line 8: 7595 Segmentation fault
-I/home/shih-di/bin/amber10/dat/leap/cmd $*
The mol2 and original pdb file is enclosed. The mol2 file was prepared
using antechamber because I planed to use GAFF force field. Could
anyone tell me why tleap and xleap vrashed? I got no problem loading
sustiva.mol2 in the example.
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Received on Thu Mar 11 2010 - 21:00:08 PST