[AMBER] Xleap : Improper torsions applied

From: Sushil Mishra <sushilbioinfo.gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 8 Mar 2010 15:55:26 +0100

Hi all;
I have a protein/fucose complex structure, I have changed the naming
convention of alpha-al-me-fucose in to OME (for axygen and methyl carbon)
and 0fA for rest fo the sugar.
I run the xleap by > xleap -s -f leaprc.ff03 ; and then in xleap > source
Now after reading it in xleap, I am saving the amber parameters file leap
and the process goes as fallows-

> saveamberparm complex rsl_fuc.prmtop rsl_fuc.inpcrd
Checking Unit.
Building topology.
Building atom parameters.
Building bond parameters.
Building angle parameters.
Building proper torsion parameters.
Building improper torsion parameters.
old PREP-specified impropers:
 <0FA 268>: C2 H1 C1 O5
 <0FA 270>: C2 H1 C1 O5
 <0FA 272>: C2 H1 C1 O5
 <0FA 274>: C2 H1 C1 O5
 <0FA 276>: C2 H1 C1 O5
 <0FA 278>: C2 H1 C1 O5
 total 870 improper torsions applied
 6 improper torsions in old prep form
Building H-Bond parameters.
Not Marking per-residue atom chain types.
Marking per-residue atom chain types.
  (Residues lacking connect0/connect1 -
   these don't have chain types marked:

    res total affected

    CASN 1
    CSER 1
    CTHR 1
    NSER 3
 (no restraints)

When i have a look in leap.log file it shows....
> saveamberparm complex rsl_fuc.prmtop rsl_fuc.inpcrd
Checking Unit.
Building topology.
Building atom parameters.
Building bond parameters.
Building angle parameters.
Building proper torsion parameters.
Building improper torsion parameters.
 ** Warning: No sp2 improper torsion term for H-H-N3-H
        atoms are: H1 H2 N H3
 ** Warning: No sp2 improper torsion term for H-H-N3-CT
        atoms are: H1 H2 N CA
 ** Warning: No sp2 improper torsion term for H-H-N3-CT
        atoms are: H1 H3 N CA
 ** Warning: No sp2 improper torsion term for H-H-N3-CT
        atoms are: H2 H3 N CA
 ** Warning: No sp2 improper torsion term for C*-CN-CB-CA
        atoms are: CG CE2 CD2 CE3
 ** Warning: No sp2 improper torsion term for NA-CA-CN-CB
        atoms are: NE1 CZ2 CE2 CD2
 ** Warning: No sp2 improper torsion term for CT-H-N3-H
        atoms are: CE HZ1 NZ HZ2
** same errors !!
** Warning: No sp2 improper torsion term for H1-OS-CG-OS
        atoms are: H1 O5 C1 O
 ** Warning: No sp2 improper torsion term for CG-OS-CG-OS
        atoms are: C2 O5 C1 O
old PREP-specified impropers:
 <0FA 268>: C2 H1 C1 O5
 <0FA 270>: C2 H1 C1 O5
 <0FA 272>: C2 H1 C1 O5
 <0FA 274>: C2 H1 C1 O5
 <0FA 276>: C2 H1 C1 O5
 <0FA 278>: C2 H1 C1 O5
 total 870 improper torsions applied
 6 improper torsions in old prep form
Building H-Bond parameters.
Not Marking per-residue atom chain types.
Marking per-residue atom chain types.
  (Residues lacking connect0/connect1 -
   these don't have chain types marked:

        res total affected

        CASN 1
        CSER 1
        CTHR 1
        NSER 3
 (no restraints)

What am i doing wrong ?? please let me know ?

SM : -)
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Received on Mon Mar 08 2010 - 07:00:04 PST
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