On Mon, Feb 01, 2010, s. Bill wrote:
> During make test, I got the following error:
> possible FAILURE: check mdout.tip5p.dif
> /scratch/slater/mbdxhmi2/MyPrograms/amber10/test/tip5p
> 180,181d179
> < EKCMT = 0.2952 VIRIAL = 9.6699 VOLUME = 0.0001
> < Density = 0.
> ---------------------------------------
> and test has been stopped.
You can ignore the above diff. Note that the test stopped at a later point
(look at your Test.log file). You will need to examine the output of the
rdc test that failed.
You might want to just comment out the test that is failing in the Makefile,
and re-run the test suite to see if there are other failures.
AMBER mailing list
Received on Mon Feb 01 2010 - 11:00:02 PST