[AMBER] Problem in setting parameters for non standard DG residue:O6-Methylguanine

From: N.R. Jena <nrjena.gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 1 Feb 2010 17:17:47 +0530

Dear All,
I have a non standard residue where guanine has been modified to
O6-methylguanine. I have treated it in antechamber and created 1.prepin and
1.frcmod files as follows. However, while uploading all these files along
with the original .pdb file in .tleap, it is unable to save the final .top
and .crd files. I guess there is somewhere connectivity problem but unable
to trace it. It will be extremely helpful if someone can trace the problem
and help to solve this.

PS: While saving the .top file it is asking for some strange parameters (!)
as given below (extreme last).

With regards,
-N R Jena.

This is a remark line
   1 DUMM DU M 0 -1 -2 0.000 .0 .0 .00000
   2 DUMM DU M 1 0 -1 1.449 .0 .0 .00000
   3 DUMM DU M 2 1 0 1.522 111.1 .0 .00000
   4 O1P o M 3 2 1 1.540 111.208 180.000 -0.67935
   5 P p4 M 4 3 2 1.497 63.191 -135.455 1.65250
   6 O2P o E 5 4 3 1.497 119.708 21.487 -0.74911
   7 O5' os M 5 4 3 1.597 109.514 147.148 -0.56330
   8 C5' c3 M 7 5 4 1.421 119.746 -121.132 0.15117
   9 H69 h1 E 8 7 5 1.000 109.202 -37.427 0.05306
  10 H71 h1 E 8 7 5 1.000 109.222 82.273 0.05662
  11 C4' c3 M 8 7 5 1.505 110.455 -157.571 0.00155
  12 C3' c3 3 11 8 7 1.512 112.078 43.751 0.46165
  13 C2' c3 B 12 11 8 1.511 102.985 -88.669 -0.18552
  14 H65 hc E 13 12 11 1.000 111.386 82.647 0.04195
  15 H67 hc E 13 12 11 1.000 111.400 -154.782 0.06635
  16 O3' o E 12 11 8 1.403 108.374 154.249 -0.80798
  17 H77 h1 E 12 11 8 0.999 114.615 34.033 -0.21291
  18 H73 h1 E 11 8 7 1.000 106.429 164.996 0.07584
  19 O4' os M 11 8 7 1.437 109.349 -72.096 -0.43132
  20 C1' c3 M 19 11 8 1.411 110.610 109.014 0.25931
  21 H75 h2 E 20 19 11 1.000 114.970 105.868 0.08448
  22 N9 na M 20 19 11 1.457 107.744 -136.937 -0.25723
  23 C4 ca M 22 20 19 1.364 125.447 -105.290 0.46631
  24 N3 nb M 23 22 20 1.347 125.709 -0.536 -0.75225
  25 C2 ca M 24 23 22 1.311 111.850 179.249 0.86736
  26 N2 nh B 25 24 23 1.340 119.615 -179.595 -0.90689
  27 H57 hn E 26 25 24 1.000 109.483 59.993 0.39800
  28 H59 hn E 26 25 24 1.000 109.506 -59.991 0.40479
  29 N1 nb M 25 24 23 1.370 123.482 0.358 -0.83893
  30 C6 ca M 29 25 24 1.391 125.193 -0.104 0.72532
  31 O6 os S 30 29 25 1.349 120.111 179.623 -0.42270
  32 C c3 3 31 30 29 1.426 120.207 0.154 0.12447
  33 H49 h1 E 32 31 30 1.000 109.472 179.992 0.05312
  34 H51 h1 E 32 31 30 1.000 109.481 60.009 0.03628
  35 H53 h1 E 32 31 30 1.000 109.476 -59.984 0.04086
  36 C5 ca M 30 29 25 1.389 111.731 -0.335 -0.19892
  37 N7 nc M 36 30 29 1.382 130.273 -179.431 -0.54803
  38 C8 cd M 37 36 30 1.304 104.220 179.991 0.43144
  39 H55 h5 E 38 37 36 1.000 123.508 179.741 0.10202
  C1' C2'
   C8 N9
   C5 C4

  C1' C4 N9 C8
   C5 N9 C4 N3
   N3 N1 C2 N2
   C2 H57 N2 H59
   C5 N1 C6 O6
   C4 C6 C5 N7
  H55 N9 C8 N7


remark goes here


c3-c3-o 62.686 116.465 Calculated with empirical approach
nb-ca-os 72.377 119.785 Calculated with empirical approach


c3-ca-na-cd 1.1 180.0 2.0 Using default
ca-na-ca-nb 1.1 180.0 2.0 Using default
nb-nb-ca-nh 1.1 180.0 2.0 Using default
ca-hn-nh-hn 1.1 180.0 2.0 Using default
ca-nb-ca-os 1.1 180.0 2.0 Using default
ca-ca-ca-nc 1.1 180.0 2.0 Using default
h5-na-cd-nc 1.1 180.0 2.0 Using default


Error in .tleap

Building topology.
Building atom parameters.
Building bond parameters.
Could not find bond parameter for: OS - o
Could not find bond parameter for: cd - P
Building angle parameters.
Could not find angle parameter: OS - o - p4
Could not find angle parameter: CT - OS - o
Could not find angle parameter: h5 - cd - P
Could not find angle parameter: cd - P - O2
Could not find angle parameter: cd - P - O2
Could not find angle parameter: cd - P - OS
Could not find angle parameter: nc - cd - P
Could not find angle parameter: na - cd - P
Building proper torsion parameters.
 ** No torsion terms for OS-o-p4-o
 ** No torsion terms for OS-o-p4-os
 ** No torsion terms for CT-OS-o-p4
 ** No torsion terms for h5-cd-P-O2
 ** No torsion terms for h5-cd-P-O2
 ** No torsion terms for h5-cd-P-OS
 ** No torsion terms for nc-cd-P-O2
 ** No torsion terms for nc-cd-P-O2
 ** No torsion terms for nc-cd-P-OS
 ** No torsion terms for na-cd-P-O2
 ** No torsion terms for na-cd-P-O2
 ** No torsion terms for na-cd-P-OS
Building improper torsion parameters.
old PREP-specified impropers:
 <6OG 7>: C1' C4 N9 C8
 <6OG 7>: C5 N9 C4 N3
 <6OG 7>: N3 N1 C2 N2
 <6OG 7>: C2 H57 N2 H59
 <6OG 7>: C5 N1 C6 O6
 <6OG 7>: C4 C6 C5 N7
 <6OG 7>: H55 N9 C8 N7
 total 610 improper torsions applied
 7 improper torsions in old prep form
Building H-Bond parameters.
Parameter file was not saved.
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Received on Mon Feb 01 2010 - 04:00:02 PST
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