I am in the midst of running the binding energy calculations using the mm_pbsa.pl script. I checked on the snapshot_com.all.out and found that almost all entries have different missing values at different timepoints. They either have 'values' of NaN or Infinity or *********.
I doubt this is normal. What may be causing these weird 'values'? The generation of snapshots from mdcrd proceeded smoothly and the output file of this binding energy calculations did NOT contain any errors or warnings.
BOND = ************* ANGLE = 441946.7100 DIHED = 15022.5337
VDWAALS = ************* EEL = -5029.7507 EGB = -20626.4938
1-4 VDW = NaN 1-4 EEL = Infinity RESTRAINT = 0.0000
BOND = ************* ANGLE = 465389.2004 DIHED = 14791.2394
VDWAALS = 32227929.3027 EEL = -3444.9296 EGB = -21619.6342
1-4 VDW = 16964395.6854 1-4 EEL = -2484.8846 RESTRAINT = 0.0000
BOND = ************* ANGLE = 505512.7190 DIHED = 14019.5864
VDWAALS = ************* EEL = -1393.7833 EGB = -41493.6393
1-4 VDW = ************* 1-4 EEL = -448.3567 RESTRAINT = 0.0000
BOND = ************* ANGLE = 512063.7966 DIHED = 14958.8929
VDWAALS = ************* EEL = -1367.3170 EGB = -40169.3247
1-4 VDW = ************* 1-4 EEL = -183.7412 RESTRAINT = 0.0000
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Received on Mon Oct 05 2009 - 16:30:02 PDT