Dear anyone who may concern this letter,
When I was using apbs to calculate the eletrostatic binding Energy, I found when:
dime 240 240 240
cglen 120 120 120
fglen 90 90 90
cgcent mol 1
fgcent mol 1
That would be ok, but when I used the script:
dime 240 240 240
there is following errors:
NOsh_setupCalcMGAUTO: Error! Finest mesh has fallen off the coarser meshes!
NOsh_setupCalcMGAUTO: difference in min 1-direction = 0.3355
NOsh_setupCalcMGAUTO: min fine = 32.546 -10.8485 6.95322e-310
NOsh_setupCalcMGAUTO: min coarse = 6.44 -10.513 6.95314e-310
VASSERT: ASSERTION FAILURE! filename nosh.c, line 1581, (0)
I want to make the center of my grid as the cernter of the complex (mol1), then on the center of the ligand (mol3). I ever used this approach to calculate some other similar complex, to to this complex it does not work!
Can anyone give me some suggestions?
Rilei Yu
AMBER mailing list
Received on Fri Oct 02 2009 - 23:00:02 PDT