AMBER: what's the problem of "Missing BELE for MM in 1 (residue 246)" in MM-GBSA?

From: tonglei <>
Date: Mon, 30 Jul 2007 11:45:24 +0800

Hi everybody:
    I am using the MM-GBS method to do energy decomposition based on a
single trajectory. when the out files have been generated, some errors
=>> Reordering files
    Final order:
    1. w_com.all.out: 1 - 499
    2. w_rec.all.out: 1 - 245 491 - 499
    3. w_lig.all.out: 246 - 490
=>> Reading files
    Reading w_com.all.out
    Reading w_rec.all.out
    Checking CALC
    Missing BELE for MM in 1 (residue 246)

 Here the residue 1 is the first residue of ligand, (corresponding to the
number 246). When I checked thw out files of com,receptor and ligand , the
TDC,SDC and BDC values exit for all residues

  Why missing the BELE for MM in 1(residue246) ?

 Thank you very much

 Na Zhang

> --
> Na Zhang
> Chemistry Department
> Zhejiang University PRC

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