AMBER: refc error

From: Lili Peng <>
Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2007 16:56:11 -0700

Dear all,

I am having trouble running a restrained energy minimization on an organic
molecule. When I try to run it in Sander, I type in:

" $AMBERHOME/exe/sander.1cpu -O -i -o min1.out -p taxol.prmtop -c
taxol.inpcrd -r min1.rst "

My consists of:

" Initial minimization of structure
    imin=1, maxcyc=200,
However, when I try running the minimization, I get the error:
" Unit 10 Error on OPEN: refc"

I Googled this problem, and I get some hits about specifying a refc file.
How do I go about doing so?

Thanks in advance,

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