Re: AMBER: program bug?

From: M. Maeda <>
Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2007 20:29:03 +0900

Hi Benjamin,

Thank you for your reply.

If possible, could you let me know what did you treat your file?
I only applied output files from sander to VMD.
After the same procedure, outputs of GB model is normal.
Thus, I cannot find how should I do.


At 09:17 07/07/12 +0200, you wrote:
>Hi Miki,
>the pictures you sent look to me like you loaded the trajectory wrongly
>in VMD. VMD can load amber trajectorys with and without periodic box
>information. You have to specify that correctly though. When i did this
>wrong in the past it pretty much looked like the pictures you sent.

_/_/_/ $B<.ITI,.8!!=yITI,;`(B _/_/_/
_/_/_/ M. MAEDA _/_/_/
_/_/_/ _/_/_/

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