Re: AMBER: Problem with running Sander

From: David A. Case <>
Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2007 16:17:56 -0700

On Tue, Jul 10, 2007, Lili Peng wrote:
> By test case do you mean the tutorial?

I meant the test cases in $AMBERHOME/test. These are usually run when people
compile and install the code themselves. I guess it is less clear to those
who are using pre-compiled versions at places like SDSC.

Even though you didn't compile the codes, it's probably good at some point to
poke around in the test directory to try some things. For one thing, there
are lots of good examples there, which are somewhat orthogonal to the

Anyway, I am glad you were able to find the answer to your problem.

...good luck....dac

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